Do You Check Yourself?

in #life5 years ago (edited)


Do you know how powerful a pause can be? Do you realise how enlightening a single moment of clarity is? From what I observe, most people in the world are so busy with their own respective chase, that no one even thinks about stopping for a second.

Imagine looking down towards the planet from a viewpoint of an alien species. There is just non-stop activity. The hustle and bustle never seem to stop. Even when one half of the planet stops, the other half picks it up right away.

The thing is, as important as our pursuits are, checking where we are in the overall adventure is equally important. How else would you get your bearings? Wouldn't you get lost in the sea?

We all have our goals in life and it is aces if you put everything you have into achieving those goals. However, you also need to instil a habit of checking yourself from time to time. Who knows what you might discover!

Check Yourself

Even though today's world can make your pursuit look like a race, I'm here to tell you that it is not. You don't actually race against anybody because everybody has their own timeline. You do too!

What matters is if you are making progress in your own journey. The competition, as they say, should be with your own self. The way to make sure that you are even making progress is by regularly checking how far you've come, how far you've got to go, whether you need a change in strategy and things like that.

Sometimes your gaze can be so affixed on the end goal that you forget to see what's ahead of you on your path. Easy to fall into a pit that way, isn't it? The wise say that you just need to see a few steps ahead of you and keep the end goal at the back of your mind.

The wise people are usually right. The essence of their teachings is that you need to be aware of your place at all times. For this, you need to take pauses. A single moment of silence and introspection goes a long way in ensuring that you don't steer off course. It is also rejuvenating and you assure yourself that you're going on the right path.


It is essential for all of us to sometimes take a pause to understand and have a better clarity on life and also to recognize what actually we were destined to become! :)