Don't Just Make A Wish. Act On It.

in #life6 years ago


As human beings, we have a ton of wishes and ideas about what life should be like and what we would like to experience and become. I think this is what separates us the most from the rest of the species of the planet.

Our lives are not only about survival (though that seems to form a large part of it) but also about abstract things like love or music, about our identities as individuals, our goals and objectives and so on.

Any given individual has a ton of wishes that he or she might want to see fulfilled. It's in our nature to wish for things, people or experiences and I personally think it's a wonderful thing, because this is why possibilities arise in life.

While wishing is all well and good, one must not forget to act on them. This is where most people go wrong and they do not realise it until it's too late.

Act On It

Everyone likes to dream of a wonderful future. Who wouldn't, am I right? But it takes certain effort in that direction for us to manifest that future. Nothing is served to us on a silver platter. Well, for most of us anyways.

If you would like to have a particular career, work on it day and night and give it your best shot. Work hard, work smart and do anything in your power to make that wish of yours come true.

If you love someone and want to be with them, don't be afraid to tell them how you feel. Act on it and maybe if they feel that you genuinely love them, they will decide to spend the rest of their life with you.

If you wish to travel the world, act on it and plan everything about your life in a way that will allow you to do that. If you want healthy bodies, act on it and start eating good food and exercising.

It's the same with all your wishes. Just sitting on the couch and imagining it in your head is not enough. You need to act on it and make efforts in that particular direction and only then will you see results.


So true... We dream so fast and keep on changing our wishes. We need to work hard to complete our wish. Everything take some time and if we are in so hurry then we are not gonna reach there. stay hungry and Stay focus.. :) is what I think is required.
It happens with me. I start something then I see something else and I move to that and so on... I have to work on it. Thanks for this post, It is much needed for me.

Completely agreed. We tend to change our minds quite a lot and so we get nowhere.