Important Things They Don’t Teach You In School

in #life8 years ago


I’m sure the mere mention of the word ‘school’ probably brought back some memories for you. That’s bound to happen as the time spent in school is some of the most special in a person’s life.

Knowledge is what separates us from the rest of the species on the planet and school is literally the place where we go to acquire it, right since our childhood up until adolescence.

From learning the alphabets in a language to being able to tell the height of a building just by the length of it’s shadow, we learn a plethora of things in school. Some of those things are really important in life while most, really aren’t!!

That’s correct. I’m sure you don’t remember 99% of the things you learned in school as life has a completely different set of problems that you are simply never taught about in school. Let me just mention some of these here.

Critical Thinking


Except for mathematics, I think most subjects in school aren’t designed to train you to think critically or logically or even creatively. Instead, they expect you learn a bunch of useless facts and pour it all in your exams.

Basically in exams, they are not testing your intelligence but rather your memory power which is funny because the internet has rendered that skill useless as you can search for any fact within seconds.

What is not obsolete however is the ability to come up with creative solutions to really difficult problems in life or at work. I guess that is why most people struggle in this area.

Doing Your Taxes


While you probably learn why you need to pay your taxes, you don’t learn how to do them or when and how to file your taxes or the various rules and regulations that come with the whole thing.

This is really important because not paying your taxes or not paying them accurately could get you in trouble regardless of the fact that you had memorised a 10 page essay on the Roman Empire in school.

In fact, doing your own taxes is so confusing for a lot of people that they simply hire professionals to do it for them.

Finding A Job


School not only serves as a place for acquiring knowledge but also as a training ground for preparing students for the next part of their journey in life i.e. work.

Yes, we do learn the necessary things that could help us in carrying out our jobs efficiently and effectively but finding the job itself is something that we are never taught anything about.

Students need to be taught how to pursue the jobs that they care about, how to apply and build their resumes, how to handle the many interviews that they will be subject to and what it means to be a working professional.

The Value of Failure


This might differ based on the country you belong to but where I’m from, failure is seen as shame. Right from the childhood, we are brought up in a culture where failure just isn’t an option.

Then we grow up and listen to these really successful people in history who all stress that failure is actually really helpful in life and can be seen as blessings in disguise. Failures are the real teachers of life.

Even in school, you are punished for making mistakes rather than being encouraged to learn from them. I get the disciplining part but they should also teach the value of failure rather than making you believe it is just not an option.

Time Management


This one is really ironical. When you’re in school, you often need to handle a multitude of things at the same time. You have your assignments of many different subjects, some contests to prepare for, some sports even to participate it and so forth.

Still, one never quite learns about time management and it shows in how we deal with life after we become working individuals. We struggle to make time for the various aspects of our jobs let alone for other important things outside of it.

This has resulted in an “always busy” lifestyle where we miss out on a great deal. I think if we were taught basic time management at school, we would be able to do a much better job at life.


Yeah like how to kick the nuts of bully :)

haha for sure!! :P

I totally agree!
Actually there is different schools, also in my country, I belive in others too.

They call it Waldorf School. Their teaching method is different -

Early childhood education - They focuse on practical, hands-on activities and creative play;

Elementary education focuses on developing artistic expression and social capacities.

Secondary education focuses on developing critical reasoning and empathic understanding

I think this kind of teaching method becomes more and more popular.

Yes, school should focus more on teaching like this.

mine taught touch typing as an option I wish everyone's did

touch typing??

It means I can type without looking at the keys and my fingers don't move around the keyboard more than necessary. I do it fast. Too many people who work jobs with computers are hunt and peckers which means they looknon the keyboard in order to find the keys.

Oh yeah! I learned that at school too! Pretty important skill if you ask me :D

They also do not tell you that the IRS is a private company and you are not required to pay for them. They also indoctrinate you into believing that theft and extortion is okay as long as its "government" doing it through threat of violence, coercion and duress, then call proceed to call it "tax". Didn't the farmers and freemen pull away from 3% theivery, i mean taxation, from King George III, by ie revolution and revolt/resisting? The british call these types terrorist. But it was these terrorist that founded the country to be free from tyrants like " ** govern **ment" by telling "them", YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! FUCK YOU AND YOUR FORCED FASCIST OPINIONS AKA Statutes(LAWS).

Glad we pulled away from that. Thomas Paine would be proud.

School not only serves as a place for acquiring knowledge but also as a training ground for preparing students for the next part of their journey in life i.e. work.

Yea, the all false american dream. Indoctrinated to believe that lifes goal is to work. Anpther hamster wheel illusion.

The thing is the school system was created before the internet was a thing.. and no one ever bothers changing it. Years ago people had a lot more narrower path from school to life after it. The whole system needs redoing but I don't think people responsible for it are brave enough to do radical changes just like that..

Yes you make an excellent point. Nobody remembered to update it just as everything else around us gets updated.

In my home country the biggest problem is teachers are working on minimum wages and there aren't almost any young teachers. Old ones are just used to be teaching what they were teaching for the

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Why are there so many minnowponds? Where are the minnowlakes?

I agree. They teach all the useless stuff and not stuff that will actually help you like managing your money, paying bills, about mortgage, how to pick the best insurance, etc. This is what schools need to teach instead of all that useless crap

Exactly!! More life skills are required to be taught.

Critical Thinking is so key and probably the lack of it is one of the main reasons for the current state of the world. Children should not be thought what to think but how think and find and evaluate the information that they find.

I totally agree. They should be taught how to think, not what to think.

I agree with you! Good post! Congratulation!!

if they realy woud teach us as schools the world woud be different but the system wants us like this so thas why the world is like this and you think teacher are important people all over the world its not like this im from switzerland and a teacher is one of te highest position like a doctor but here in southamerica theacher are nobody earn nothing and any body with a contact can be a teacher...

Yes, that's another problem. If teachers were better paid, I'm sure they would do a much better job. They need to be valued in the society.

the teacher are marionets of the system they have not right to decide what students will learn an what not the system gives them books and untli tgis day you have to reach page 10 amen
teacher are eaven more paid not wqorth more because the system will keep teching the same shit over and over again

Excellent Saurav.

Few other things that weren't taught at schools.

  1. Traffic rules/sense
  2. Taking care of own health
  3. Value for money
  4. Accountability

Totally agree with these points!

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. 'Albert Einstein'

Wise saying ^_^

Thank you for sharing this. There are still a lot of important things that they don't teach us in school. Right now, based on where i live, it's better to educate childrens at home ahah

Yeah, I think if they don't teach this in school, parents should start this at home.

I really enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing with us. I agree with you people who are successful in education may not successful in life i have seen many people.

Yes, that happens quite a lot.

true.. there is great need for a changed way of education which may prove more beneficiary

There is. Hope it comes soon.

I totally understand your concern about failure because in the country we live failure is not a option at all,and i also like your thoughts about time management,thanks for putting your time to create a wonderful post like this buddy :)

Yeah, we all share the same conditions :)

100% agree with you people who are successful in education may not successful in life i have seen many people. Education and life are different.

Yeah, I have seen that too.

Amen on the critical thinking.

i like your post

@sauravrungta Wouldn't that be amazing to create a curriculum that teaches this things and would be recognized by regulators?! If I made it rich in crypto today, I would take this post and develop a school and a free online curriculum around it!!!

Yeah, this is how it should be. Glad you are actually thinking about it :)

Education is a key of the future, I agree on that idea. But in a real world situation, school teach us only a basic knowledge plus more irrelevant subject that has no use in the real life. School is somewhat unfair, it don't teach equaly based on every child skills which is need to be develop at the young

Yes, that is correct and part of the reason why is because it has become a business nowadays.

My school tough me creativity and now I pay the price :) To many things I would like to create and too little time :)

haha, creativity is inborn. School can only enhance it. IMO

Exactly right.
What IS the value of government schools?

I really enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing with us. Enjoy the vote!

Thank you for reading :)

I don't get that reference :P

What they should teach, and will teach one day, just like gravity, is: Law of Attraction. How to have a relationship with your feelings and learning to use them as a guiding system throughout life!

YES!!!! This is a big one. I really wish they would! Think of the things it will change! :D

I enjoyed reading this article. Perhaps under Taxes there could have been something about debt and money?

Yes, personal financial management as a whole would do wonders!

The high school I went to actually did teach us how to do our taxes. For one of our tests we were given a w2 and a 1040ez and we had to fill it out correctly.

They did not prepare us for self employment taxes though. That's an entirely different animal!

Yeah, there needs to be an all round education, which is lacking at the moment.

A very perfect post from my best friend andra and I have followed you and want to see your next best post @sauravrungta

Thank you :)

OMG doing my taxes is such a big one! ahhh it's so scary every year! I wish they taught us! ugh!

I know how you feel!!

Critical thinking is dangerous for certain institutions :)

haha exactly ;)

they should teach people how to speak in public and have hard conversations. teach people how to be more organized. teach people how to program.

Totally agreed!!

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Great points. I think that at the very least, here in the U.S.A. we need to switch to a year round school calendar instead of taking the entire summer off. Kids just forget what they learned and then have to waste time relearning each year. I'd also like to see the kids start to be filtered out around age 14-16, and have their educations tailored to suit their specific strengths and weaknesses. I believe probably half should be in some kind of vocational training. Don't leave school incapable of doing anything but mopping floors or flipping burgers.

Well, I'm not sure what needs to be done but I am sure there are enough smart people in the world that they can figure out something. Because it's getting dire in my opinion. Children are the future and the whole of humanity depends on them to move the legacy forward and a proper, all encompassing education is the need of the hour.

Two more things to add to what they should teach you in school-

How to shop for healthy food (Good Nutrition) and still stay within your Money budget.

How to Save the money and Invest the money.

yup, those are important as well.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment