Things That Are Almost Always Portrayed Unrealistically In Movies (Part III)

in #life7 years ago


Okay, so this is the third and final part in the three part series of ‘things that are almost always portrayed unrealistically in movies’. I have been having a great deal of fun writing these and I can tell from the comments that you guys are enjoying them as well.

So, without further adieu, let me talk about the final four points. I am sure there are tons more that you guys have in mind and I would love to hear them in the comments section down below.

People Meeting


In the movies we often see one person suggesting the other to meet up or to go on a date and the other person simply says "cool, alright, I'll see you then!" without ever asking where the meeting or the date is supposed to happen, on what date, at what time and how are they both going to reach there.

And then, as if by magic, the two of them show up at the exact same time in a place that they somehow magically guessed. Come on, are you kidding me? That's not how things work in real life, do they?

In the real life two people seldom meet without negotiating in lesser-to-great detail the whereabouts of the meeting as well as the rough time of the meeting.

And even then, after all things discussed, people are almost always late in arriving, with one person usually having to wait for another unlike in the movies where there is no concept of 'late' and there's also no such thing as traffic and public transportation runs perfectly on time and people by nature are super punctual.

Driving and Parking


In the movies, a driver, usually the male lead, would narrate his entire life story to the passenger, usually a beautiful girl or lady sitting next to him, all the while looking at her and not at the road ahead as if there exists no traffic in his world.

In the real world it would be a miracle if someone, who stares at the passenger sitting next to him for that long, wouldn't crash into something - a car or an object. And it is impossible in real life to not have panic attacks in such situations when your eyes are off the road ahead for a few seconds.

It's just crazy how movies make driving look so easy when in reality even the most expert of drivers have to be focused while driving and have to keep track of so many elements like traffic, lanes etc.

Movies also have a thing for that 'always available' parking spot. There is always an empty parking spot waiting for the characters, always, doesn't matter where they drive up to - whether it's someone's home or shop or a hotel or a courtroom.

Medical Science


In many movies, especially the ones about war against a country or humanity as a whole, we see the populations of entire towns and cities get devastated by biological organisms like lethal bacteria and viruses.

Then the police and other agencies look for survivors and when they find them, they would take them to medical scientists and ask the scientists to examine them and find a cure as soon as possible to prevent more towns and cities from getting devastated.

And then the medical scientists magically whip up antibodies and before we know it, they will find a cure. Like, only within a few hours after survivors are brought to them. Too good to be true? You bet!

In the real world, coming up with cures to even the simplest of biological problems, like for example to a new type of plant spore that gives allergies to people, would take months and months, forget finding cures in just hours!



In the movies explosions are almost always bigger than they are supposed to be and they are always accompanied by a huge fireball.

We see people throwing grenades from one end of a street to the other and the grenade explodes with a fireball and not just that, it usually sets a couple of vehicles and a nearby house on fire as well. So, so hilariously absurd as though it wasn't a grenade but a freaking cruise missile!

Most explosions in real life hardly ever generate fireballs and are usually accompanied by a cloud of dust and smoke and, of course, lethal shock waves which do all the damage. It is this shockwave thing that film-makers don't ever understand.

In the movies, we are made to believe that fire does all the damage but in reality it is the generated shockwaves that do all the destruction. And real world explosions are way too loud and destructive. Our hero's ears would probably be ringing for half an hour if he were to explode a grenade just a few meters away from him in real life!


Lol don't forget the stylish slow walking 🚶 of the lead character while 💣bombs detonate behind him in the movies.

yeah!! lol Like I said, the shockwaves simply wouldn't allow for that lol

In the movies disagreements was settled by a caling or meeting at sunup on the street. In the real world to my knowledge the only time this happened is when Wild Bill Hickok called out guy who he had lost his watch in card game in Springfield MO

haha yeah!!!

your post is very interesting the readers would really like your post, I got a lot of inspiration from your post thank you.

lethal shock waves..
important that.
invisible and traveling at sonic speed.
kinda hard to outrun..

yeah! That's why the slow motion walking of the heroes with an explosion in the background wouldn't be possible!

I guess you are talking about bollywood.

It happens in Hollywood too :)

To be honest South Indian movies are quite realistic.

except, they have their own laws of physics ;)

Too funny that you mention these particular ones today. Just last night we were watching the new Netflix program "Seven Seconds" ,a great show BTW, and I kept commenting on the fact that the assistant district attorney was doing the collection from a patient in the hospital that would normally be done ny a forensic specialist. This happens on several occasions and it just made me laugh. It was if they couldn't afford to have an actor play that role and just made her character do it instead. During the same show I was also annoyed by the fact that not only did the drivers not pay attention but the car windows were absolutely filthy. I mean you could barely see out the windows to drive if you were paying attention. lol Little details but they stand out like a sore thumb if you're paying attention.

You said it perfectly in the end. Little things like these do not stand out but for people who pay attention, these can get really annoying!!

For me when things are unrealistic, it is much harder to accept the story line and movie. FYI - I was hacked Friday morning here on Steemit. They stole 663.843 SBD and 22.641 tokens. I have been in tears and anger over this. I have told my story and update in two blogs I posted. You may read them if you wish. I hope and pray you would. But please get the word out of these scams gong on. They are misrepresenting this format and helping themselves to our open wallets. You may remember me as the guy who wrote you poems. Blessings. - Troy

Oh, I am so sorry that this happened to you :(

I'll be sure to tell everyone I know about this. Thank you so much informing me. You might have just saved a lot of accounts from these scams. I hope you stay strong man. :)

They way people speak is another one.

They almost never make mistakes when speaking, and in real life, normal people can make a lot of mistakes like stuttering or badly pronouncing a word

Oh yes, that's a good one! Everyone in movies is a fluent speaker! :D

How about the way any people can live anywhere they want!??. There was a movie where people could breathe in Mars atmosphere hahahaha.