Trying To Do Too Much? You Will End Up Doing Nothing!

in #life7 years ago


We are all aware that time is a very limited and a very precious resource for us all and therefore we try to do the best we can to utilise it in a productive manner. Well, most of us anyways. Or is it the other way around, I wonder?

Anyways, there are lots of factors in play that dictate our use of time and the manner in which we do it. There are several spheres that require our time and effort and life indeed seems like a balancing act between those spheres.

We all have to earn a living and hence work is important, then there are family and friends, our hobbies, health, duties as a member of society and so on. There is just so much to do for any single individual that its impossible to do it all.

Therein lies the difficulty most people face, in my opinion. Well, I certainly have in the past. We assign importance to too many tasks, people and situations in life and we want to do it all, but since time and our energy is limited, the exact opposite happens.

Choose Wisely


Is it better to do hundred things and not do any of them properly or is it better to do ten things and do them to the best of our abilities? Certainly the second one, right?

Being effective and efficient at the same time is what we should all aim for and that is what I’m trying to convey here. Doing the most important things and doing them well. That’s what counts.

Of course, there are too many distractions in today’s world. Some of them can be just too alluring to avoid, but in the end, you as an individual need to decide how you want to spend your precious time just like how we choose to spend our precious money. We don’t just give it away, do we?

More and more I see people just wasting this gift and before they even realise it, it’s too late for them. Well, it’s never actually too late, but you get the point, I hope.

Be Your Life’s Designer


The work of a designer is not only to make things look a certain way but to solve problems. It is to give form and functionality to anything imaginable. And that’s what we ought to do with the most important thing for anyone. Our lives!

Your life is your own and you should just sit down and design it the way you want. Let people tell you that it can’t be done. You do your own thing. They won’t be there when you need them anyways, so what’s the point in listening to them?

Seriously though, decide once and for all what is it that you deem important and also who. It’s not selfish. It’s just taking control of your life/designing it. And I don’t mean all work and no play.

It it is leisure time that you think is very important to you make sure you include it in your everyday schedule! We all have the right to live life and make of it what we want to. So, just do it!!


I agree! It's the same thing what our elders used to teach us. "Try catching two fishes at the same time and you'll end up catching none" or something like that. Great post indeed.

That's exactly right.

Being an entrepreneur this rings so true for me. I can ALWAYS be doing something to help my business grow, but, it's not always easy to decide exactly what is the most important. lol

That's true! That is certainly one of the dilemmas.

Brian Tracy talks about in his book, 'Eat that Frog' that planning can give us a ten fold return on our time invested.

For example, if we spend 15 minutes planning out our day in the morning, we can save 150 minutes of otherwise unproductive time throughout the day!

Luppers :)

I can certainly relate to that. Planned days seem to be a lot more productive than non-planned ones.

Yeah its true for me too!

Looking forward to more of your content!


😱😱😱😱😱 that really great post @sauravrungta

Thank you :)

A great article. Short but to the point. It is indeed like a life lesson.

Thank you so much for the kind words :)

I read a post yesterday on trending page from @donkeypong about witnesses on Steem and EOS blockchain. He says something similar.

Yeah, I think this applies almost everywhere!

Really a great article.

Thank you :)

True words!

i am currently in a phase of change, ans it's about the same thing you're basically talking about.

I reduced the social factor some long time ago, and one a great part im a director of my life.

The problem was i also had some socially implanted rules/ideas in my way of thinking in the base, although i rebelled against that from very young years. It was just reaction, i was missing something essential.

And i think one of your phrases sums it up:

It’s just taking control of your life/designing it

i have changed it for myself for a new rule i will remember every day:

Design your life

Thank you for the great post!

regards from spain

The societal rules don't mean anything. Usually they are old and archaic and it's wise to do what works best for you even if the society doesn't confirm to that. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, that is. hehe.

True, and of course i know that, and at the same time we are surrounded by those things and they have some influence on us :)

Like many others I have had issues in the past with managing my time. Often I would busy myself by attempting to pursue too many new interest at once and ultimately spread myself thin.

I was able to fix this issue by aligning my goals with what I was spending my time doing. First you must have a heart to heart with yourself and determine what your true goals are that you wish to accomplish. Then your time must be spent either directly accomplishing said goals or supporting them in some manner. This helps ensure that you are not wasting time which is a precious commodity.

See, that's the thing that most people don't do. A heart to heart with yourself. Usually we are conflicted within our own selves about what we want to or what we don't want to do. That leads to a lot of wasted time.

If we are clear in the head, we can definitely utilise time more judiciously.

Yes, you end up spending more time on prioritizing and re-prioritizing :-)

Yup!! A lot of wasted time and potential...

Wow, totally relatable.. we are always in a rush to just accomplish something resulting in an active mind 24/7. There is a need to ease it out at times.. Very well written, loved it. Following you to stay tuned for more.. :-)

That's exactly right. We live sort of robotic lives. Which is sad because I think life should be much more than that.

Indeed.. Life is much much more than that..:-)

Thanks for this!