What If We Are All Destined To Be AI?

in #life7 years ago


When I think about the evolution of life on our planet, it amazes me what and how life has become the way it is today. I mean every living thing on the planet can be traced back to that one single celled organism that somehow ‘came to life’ when the right elements came together.

Over billions of years, life became multi-cellular, more complex and evolved into millions of different species all co-existing on the same planet. We humans are the result of that same evolution process also.

For these billions of years, mother nature has been in charge and has done a marvellous job of diversifying life so much through the process of evolution, even creating better versions of the same species over generations.

But for the first time ever, things will begin to change now. And that will be possible because of one species and what it possesses. Us and our intelligence. Thanks to it, we could begin taking our evolution, into our own hands.

Hacking Life Itself


You see, I was watching this movie the other day called “Lucy” starring Scarlett Johansson. The whole movie was about how she began using more and more of her brainpower and started gaining access to supernatural abilities and to “life” itself and in the end, she sort of gets assimilated into the fabric of universe itself.

This made me think a lot. What if we humans evolve into something that is perhaps not physical in nature? Yes, I know, that sounds really sci-fi and something that is not possible according to current technology. And that’s right!

Still, who knows what our technology a few hundred years down the road will enable us to do. We are already getting better and better at genetic modification that already allow us to make a lot of changes to our very building blocks.

As time progresses, biotechnology could allow us to have full power over our own bodies and the very evolution of our species, enabling us to choose any direction we so desired.

A Glimpse of A Possible Future?


I have talked about consciousness and uploading our consciousness to the cloud before, but the movie kind of convinced me that it could indeed be the ultimate destination for us as a species. Slowly, we humans could become more comfortable with being connected to the internet at a biological level.

I mean, Elon Musk’s NeuralNet is already researching connecting our brains to AI and as an extension to the internet itself. Over hundreds of years, it doesn’t sound far-fetched to me to be able to do that with consciousness itself.

That would sort of make us immortal and such a life is actually pretty unimaginable right now. Living as a consciousness in a virtual environment of our choosing forever? Yup, scarily sci-fi, and yet, future humans might actually go that route! Things change a lot over the course of time.

Another interesting point is that, alien beings in different parts of the universe might have already reached that state as well. Maybe that’s why we haven’t found signs of any. They are all non-physical. Are all intelligent species destined for this fate?


Someday an Android will wake up and say
"I see no signs of a creator"

Well in this context I must add there's a flaw in the way modern sciences define consciousness.
It's more of wakefulness we are talking of and not consciousness.
Consciousness isn't bound to memory.
In the words of Tesla,
" Our brains are receiver of consciousness and not creators of consciousness".
Something similar is said in Vedic sciences where they define consciousness as "chitta" and it exists irrespective of whether or not you do in this universe.
It's like light which is present in a void but it's presence is only known when it falls on something and illuminates it.

I believe that.

Thank you

I think you saw that recent interview of Sadhguru in Russia where he speaks of exactly this!! Anyways, I used the term consciousness quite loosely here.

I have been following sadhguru for a lot of time yes.i heard this in one of his dialects long time ago followed by which I came across same teachings from a monk of ramkrishna mission who gave lecture at IIT.
The yogic sciences are many steps ahead of modern science when it comes to understanding the inner realms

I watched a tv series Year Million on National geographic...

Its a great series about
An in depth look into what our future will look like when technology takes over, for better or worse and artificial intelligence details are awesome...@sauravrungta https://www.nationalgeographic.com.au/tv/year-million/

Wow, that looks great!! Will watch it for sure.

@sauravrungta So wonderful things have been discussed.

Thank you :)

Hello my friend. I agree with your opinion.
Lucy's movie is really beautiful and thoughtable. The human race can reach its highest level through its brain.

I found it quite amazing too. Gives a great insight into what we might be capable of.

I just finished a great book on the same AI subject but more related to the democracy and what we consider freedom. I tend to believe that we already live in a world that is sci-fi for the generation of my grandma and we will not be able to recognize the world in 50 years from now. Artificial intelligence is going to select the next children to be born based on the best genes and who are going to state if this is good or bad...Good/bad might be overrated soon and crimes will be pre-solved by robots, robots will be making robots and we will be fewer and fewer need it in the chains :) This is just a scenario, as i am a very big fun of scifi, the other one being that we will all flee on a another planet where we will start it again from scratch :)

Just reading this fills me with great interest. I have read about such scenarios as well where robots take over much of our tasks and AI helps us in almost every area of life to augment human life. This is the positive view anyways. Hopefully things don't take a negative route which is mostly portrayed in movies ;)

app 2016 se steemit par ho wow amazing @sauravrungra

@saurav bro, muujhe ak up vote milegi plzz, , I need some SBD to invest,

We could be living in a simulation too. There is a saying in alchemy what happens below is the same as above. You really have to think about what that could mean.

Yeah, there are many arguments for that as well. Even Elon Musk seems to believe that. That saying really is deep. Will have to ponder upon that too!

Scientifically speaking the concept of simulation isn't what might think it is on a general note.
When scientists say we might be in a simulation, they mean more of a cosmic simulation. That everything around us has no absoluteness.
That the cosmos and the universe in itself is a kind of program in itself but not like what we might think on a general notice.
No that doesn't mean we are inside some huge super computer or so.

We could be in a simulation you never know but you could be right as well. I think that people who think we could be in a simulation are probably just trying to understand why the universe is so indifferent and want more meaning. I can’t say the universe is a simulation because I don’t have a shred of evidence to back up that claim.

And as a matter of fact if we are really in a simulation we won't ever know either

Not at the moment. That could change in the future. What would the effects would that have on our society if they proved everything is a simultion?

Beyond perception and imagination.
The idea of life would change then to the masses who would believe it and for the rest we would still have people denying it

Or the government would cover it up so society wouldn’t fall apart.

There's again the holographic universe hypothesis.
Physics is pretty interesting specially when it goes beyond the reach of understanding and stops making sense

People who took DMT says the same thing. We live in a world that looks pretty solid and stationary but it’s not it a molecular vibration.

Indeed we all are merely waves.

Personally, I think the mobile phone has already started to put the A in our I quite some bits. :-)

oh yeah, for sure!! ;)

What if we are all destined to be AI? It’s an interesting question which so far has been addressed only in movies (e.g. Lucy). We as human beings are still considering ourselves as the only rational beings on Earth who cannot be replaced by machines. However, life has proved to be more complex than that over a span of billions of years. Thus, there are chances that this question might have an answer if not in the next 100 years, at least later on. In this article, the author emphasizes that intelligence is an infinite resource and can allow us to manage our evolution and in the end maybe be part of the universe itself. To make this possible, humans can appeal to biotechnology which proved to be useful in this respect. However, this is not the only medium. An example is Elon Musk’s NeuralNet. Things are constantly moving, we are evolving day by day. Thus we should keep our doors open for what it has to come.

A great summary. Thank you for this :)

Thank you for this :)