As the only intelligent species on the planet in a meaningful way, we humans take pride or rather, believe in the fact that we run our lives using our intelligence and rational thinking and while that might be true to some extent, we mostly run our lives with emotions.
Emotions form the core of the personality of every single individual and I personally believe that the kind of emotions we hold as individuals, have a huge impact on the life we lead and the future that we build. I have tested this out personally over the past years.
But no matter what kind of person you are, nobody is left untouched by any emotions that a human is capable of having, be it sadness or happiness or jealousy or any other type of positive or negative emotion.
So, I wanted to ask myself today, what the strongest human emotion is. Out of the many, many different types we feel in an almost infinite number of situations, which is the single most, strongest one.
The Twisted Ways of Life
I often like to say that life is like a movie. Just as in a movie, where the audience gets to feel a varied range of emotions from start to finish, in life too, we get to do the same.
And to be honest, life would be pretty boring if we could only feel a certain type of way all the time. Even an eternity of happiness could get boring at some point. Or am I mad to think so?
Anyways, life and it’s twisted ways make us feel both positive and negative feelings and while anger, jealousy, hatred and sadness might feel like really strong and powerful emotions, I think, that positive feelings like love, joy, inspiration are even stronger.
I don’t know. I can’t explain why. But there’s something about positive emotions and the feeling of liberation that comes with them that trump all negative ones and I think you would agree with me here.
But what among the positive ones is the strongest? Is it love? It is happiness? Which one is it? I think you already know the answer and might have heard of this before. It is hope. Hope is the strongest human emotion.
Hope Gives Life Meaning
When I say hope gives life meaning, I don’t mean it lightly. I absolutely believe in that statement and I’m going to tell you why. You see, we humans are natural born adventurers. We are explorers and have always been that way since our forefathers. It’s hardwired into us.
All that means is that we are a species that likes to keep its eyes on the future. The ‘promise of tomorrow’ if you will. There is only one emotion that can continuously steer us towards this tomorrow land and it is hope and in doing so, it gives our human life a purpose, a meaning.
It doesn’t matter if you are experience good times or bad times in your present time, you are always hopeful that even better times will arrive in the future. Hope works wonders especially during those rough patches. I have experienced it all too well.
Hope is that shimmer of light in the darkness that is enough on its own to battle even an eternity of darkness to guide you to your destination, one step at a time. As a species, we have already been doing so for thousands of years and will continue to do so until the end times.
So, stay hopeful my friends, and never give up. Life sometimes closes doors in your face but it also opens another one somewhere. Let your hope guide you to it!
Great thoughts. I saw somebody here commented that is hope a feeling? Well yes,of course - it is a feeling of expectaions and desire for things to happen.
Hope keeps you going, also dreams. Step by step. As you said - better times will arrive! 😊
I really enjoyed the positive and informative nature of your piece but am, personally, confused. Is hope really an emotion? I feel love/hate/pain on a physical level but do I feel hope in the same way? If not an emotion what is it? I am confused! What does everyone else think? I have upvoted/followed and thank-you for challenging me today :) New here I am an artist/writer/lightworker and would love your thoughts on one of my latest posts: With love and cheery Seasons Greetings xox
Yes, one can feel hope in one's heart and that too very strongly.
For me hope is more cerebral than heart based, more of a concept than a feeling I think. Any other views/thoughts folks?... xox
Your article really got me thinking which is always a good thing and then inspired me to write this: I would love to know your thoughts and invite your comment. Be well xox
But i recommended that every one of this earth shared there Love, Honest and care to all. They have forgeten there meaning of life in darkness way.
God blessed and Love to all
Steem onHey Dear @sauravrungta its a nice article you shared . The emotion of living is very hard and painful but the community doesn't help them. Some of one is like to care you but mostly want to cutoff there badness. Now Relationship not running with Love every one just take shortcuts to earn there will.
Yes, it seems the people are embracing negative emotions more. I hope it changes :)
Maybe the fact that hope is the strongest emotion explains why the religion is still so wide spread although it is not in according to scientific advances. It gives hope to those who believe. I just joined Steemit and I'm really into philosophy so I'm looking forward to open-minded discussions with you! : )
Yes, hope works best because life is uncertain :)
Tolong vote balik
I don't understand.
I really love this post it is mostly meant for the singles it also affect couples, it is really bad to toy with one's emotion especially in a relationship some ladies can go to any length to protect their man. Most times extra relationship is very dangerous.
Hope is meant for everyone :)
It is hope that keep us all alive or rather want to live.
That is for sure :)
Steemit is a strong emotion :)
It sure is :D
I stuck in my past...I can't stop thinking about what i lost, what i missed...Your writing has given me a little tip...
You are living in regret, it seems. It is the exact opposite of hope. Regret makes you look at the past and hope makes you look at the future :D
this is a very sensitive post you have here, I like to think that the strongest emotions we all experience would be pain and anger. I don't think joy or happiness is as strong and deep as the former emotions.
I do feel that negative emotions are way stronger than the positive ones.
It depends on who you are as a person :)
@sauravtungta I agree, while anger can be a strong emotion, I like to say love may be the strongest. It's a matter of perspective and depends on the person. Great insight. Thanks for the post.
Hope has gotten me through many hard times for me. Your writing truly spoke to me. Thanks!
The same has helped me too :) Thanks for the kind words.
Certainly sauravungta.
Without we cannot continue. Thanks for sharing.
That's true :)
Hope is a powerful emotion...but in my eyes its a "subtle" emotion...anger unfortunately seems strongest negative one to me...especially between a man and woman if "love" is involved...
For a positive vote...I would say uninhibited laughter...when your whole body explodes...impulsively...that's a cool one...
Nice post...thanks.
I guess, it depends on who we are as to what we consider the strongest emotions :)
Thanks for calling us intelligent but I look around and I think you must be flattering us with a white lie. Thanks for that.
hahaha you are right!! :D
Faith. If one has faith you can stand amidst chaos and know that you will be alright. You can cultivate faith, but first you must trust in something you cannot feel, taste or touch.
While hope is good, it is faith that gives it strength. When you have faith, you can know that things will work out, because you recognize the non-random nature of this world. As you put your trust in Faith, as you look for God in action in the world, you will find it. After a time of doing this your Faith will grow, it magnifies, to the point that you can no longer feel sorry for yourself, you can no longer doubt.
I have done this thing, to try out the idea of Faith. It didn't come in that form, it came to me in the idea that the world was one with all that is, that there was nothing that was not God. A fine and dandy idea, but I wanted confirmation, so I lived with the idea that there are no accidents. I began to ask the world questions in my mind only and awaited the answer here and now. I expected it to come without asking outright. And to this end it was found.
So while Faith is something believed but not seen, it can be cultivated by expecting God to be seen. Once you see it, then you have more reason to believe you will see it again. Each time you see it your Faith grows, and with it your strength to overcome greater and greater odds.
For this reason I believe it is greater than hope, because while hope is a strong emotion, it does not have the power of God behind it.
If you hope because you believe in God, then I see that as being in Faith.
But I prefer to see it as a knowing, and now that I look the word faith up, perhaps it is not fitting, but I do feel that Faith is akin to an emotion once it has grown, because it is a feeling I get that overrides my current circumstances and allows me to believe that things will work out.
Thanks for hearing me out. Blessing be with you, God is with you, always.
it was Neale Donald Walsch that lead me to try this thing.
Yes, I agree faith is a really strong one too. But in my mind (I might be wrong) faith is very similar to hope.
Indeed they are similar. Yet hope without faith is left to devices of material form alone. Perhaps strong enough hope is in turn the same as faith, for it does set the mind in a place desired instead of that which is. I struggle with it at times and forget what should be my mindset in either case. Thankfully when reminded I am quick to return to my faith/hope.
Thank you for stirring such an intriguing question, anything that brings back thinking of lighter thing as is appreciated. Take care.
@sauravrungta great post again, beautiful insights into realism.
I would totally agree with you that hope is the strongest emotion. We swim through the tide of dark sea, if we hope.
Your post reminded me of popular cinema's best interpretation of hope ' swashank Redemption'; to quote from the movie
' fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free'
'hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies'-Andy Dufresne
'hope is dangerous thing, hope can drive a man insane'
Thanks for reminding me about "Shawsank Redemption" I have been wanting forever to watch that movie. I know, how could I have not watched it till now, right? hehe
Seriously men you are missing on something. Watch it tell me how you like it. Popular cinema has great interpretations.
sometimes I think it's fear and sometimes I think it's love.
Both are very strong ones, yes!
Hope is everything that keeps everyone going....example steem. Hope must be accompanies by Faith. Hope and Faith go hand in hand. It is hope for betterment that many lives their life. Even though they are not happy with something but thy always hope that things will get better. But someone needs to take initiative to bring in change which fufills everyone hope....although that one person also hopefull of good of his action. ....An ultimate blog @sauravrungta
Yes I completely agree! :)
It's true that hope works in every situation but with that somewhere you have to be positive.Because if you are already in a negative thinking situation where you almost give up on everything then, in that case, you don't hope.
so, be positive and never lose hope.Great post @sauravrungta
If you are hopeful, that means you are already positive :) Hope doesn't breed on negative grounds.