Science- The belief of something created by God but taken to a new level by people that are so small minded that they make science their God. Then these same people that made science their God use science to try and disprove the God of the Bible in effect disproving their whole argument from the start. LOL. I haven't seen evolution in process. If Darwin were alive today he would even say he was crazy then. Name one creature right now that is evolving into something else as we speak! Who believes in crazier stuff here? LOL. Who knows, maybe just maybe tomorrow will be your lucky day and the world will discover a chicken that turns into a donkey. Maybe we were all just created from soup after everything went bang and so created chickens that turned to donkeys and then maybe to apes and man. Or are you just Atheist which is it's own crazy religion of no basis what so ever but some believe in nothing so much that they need to try to crush or convince other people how wrong they are to make themselves feel better and justified. This is exactly why the Bible tells us not to cast pearls before swine. It's a waste. Do not cast your seed off the path into the rocks. Seed can't grow in rocks. However cast your seed upon the fertile ground. This is why I don't really debate with people that have no real interest in learning the truth. Blessings!
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wow your fucked up in the head, i didnt realize how dumb you were this whole time....I'll stop now... chickens to donkeys? holy shit....
lol first thing that came to mind.