Always rise above criticism, it's part of life.

in #life7 years ago

While surfing through my facebook, I saw an interesting story, that I just couldn't ignore, so I chose to write more on it. 

Below it's the short drama between a teacher and his students:


One day, a school teacher wrote on the board the following:











When the teacher was done with the multiplication, he turned his back to see his students laughing.

Teacher: why are you all laughing?

Students: Sir, the first equation was wrong. 

Teacher: (smiling... ) I intentionally wrote the first multiplication wrong because I wanted to teach you all an important lesson.

Teacher continues....

You guys must have seen that I wrote the correct thing nine times, but none of you ever recognize my efforts or congratulated me for that but you all laughed and criticized me for the only one thing I did wrong. 

This was for you to know exactly how the world Will treat you. 

From this short Story , life as we know it, Is very complicated. No matter how good you are, it will definitely go on notice for just a single bad thing we do. 

Let's consider the pastors, imam, Pope etc in this context. This people are highly respected in there various religions and mostly known for their good deeds in the society at large. But at the slightest mistake been made by them, it turns into a world wide scandal because of the heavy critics from people including there members and the ones who they have helped. 

One thing people fail to recognize is that the same blood flowing through our veins is also the same blood that runs through there veins and they are all vulnerable to mistakes. 

In spite of all this negativity and criticism, they still don't get discouraged. They keep on doing there good gestures. 

According to a popular Nigeria base musician, "M. I and tuface"

if nobody talks about you, then you are nobody.

We have haters who are there to mock and criticized us at every little mistake we do and will never appreciate the good you do a million times, but will Criticize the one wrong thing you do.

So don't Get Discouraged!

Always rise above all criticism 



This is an interesting lesson that will take one to greater heights. Thank you for sharing!

So Facebook is still active? lol

Hahahaha.. You don see am naa.. My brother

Its easier said than done to rise above criticism, especially when you are up there with huge amount of pressure. But its possible. Thanks (i learnt to keep on going and be strong)