Why did we start caring more about perception than actually feeling happy ?

in #life8 years ago

It's not a new thing that people want to show off to people how good and succesfull they are.

For me lately this became even worse. People post super pics on social media 'bragging' how happy they are. Yolo all over the place :) In some cases I know how miserable some people are in their lives so why ?

Also these crazy mass events. You need to be on that particular concert to post a picture on facebook, proving you were there and again how happy you are :-)

Same thing with gadgets. What new IPhone is limited ? I need it and put in on facebook I have it. So you see I'm rich and I'm happy !

So why do we care that much about what people think about our lives ? Is there any value in 'winning' this competition ?


This may put it too simplistically, but in a word: narcissism.

You think these people love themselves ? Why would you do that to yourself :-)

Isn't it more I have to prove I'm not the loser I fear to be...

Yes, maybe they are trying to convince themselves. I too do not get the whole point of the constant selfies and stupid pictures of every minutiae that occurs in others' lives.