
I know what you mean, but I fear one day it will be. Just the economy alone is not an IF but a WHEN on pure math. I'm afraid it's the old saying now.......Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

It WILL happen.
We just don't know when.
I'm prepared for the worst...
Get out of debt, load up on self-sustaining provisions, and have the means to protect you and your family.
And hope the Reckoning is so far away that our preparing wasn't necessary so early.
Sadly, I doubt that will be the case.@ravensoul, you are 100% correct.

I pray everyday that its further off into that future. It's a race now between the fact that it all has to correct to fair market value as, Gregory Mannarino would say and by that I mean everything, and how long the elite can kick that can further down the road. Sometimes I'm amazed its been stretched out as long as it has. I dont want the crap to hit....none of us do.....but I dont see a way out now. Its all just gone too far to turn back and you can already start to see the edges beginning to fray

I encourage you to write a post about this that I can upvote 🤝.Hey @ravensoul , I'm following you now.

Thanks for that push :) As requested I have posted my theories and rants about the collapse. Hope you like it :)