I just love how concerned white libtards are about the precious innocent muslims. Oh, most not hurt muslims feelings! Must not generalize!
At the same time they are generalizing an entire race and gender (white males) and falsely accuse them of being the root of everything evil in this world.
It's quite bizarre and pathetic to watch - especially considering it's mostly whites doing it :D
Whites - a special kind of retardation.
You only believe that because that is the narrative of the world that the media presents you with. It isn't reality but it makes you feel special for not being as dumb as those other people your media tells you about :D
There is no point of arguing with marxists. That much I know :)
Go embrace your mass murdering heroes and practice that passive aggressive cuck attitude. It suits you. lol
Yeah, and shove that passive aggressive way too high upvote up your bunghole :D
You're just ignoring the facts. They are plain for you to see.
When was the non-Muslim terrorist bombing that made the news? The Unibomber lol? (I'm sure there's at least one more recent.)
Where are these facts? (please share) Are you claiming that the evidence shows Islam is the cause of an increase in murder over 2017 in the UK? Have you realized what you have written doesn't add up? Where are these facts?
Also have you ever been to a Muslim country? Or talked to a Muslim person? Do you have any Muslim friends? Do you think you are an expert and authority on Islam? Where did you study it? The newspaper?
Lol about two a week in Northern Ireland. You wouldn't hear about that though on non-NI news stations (unless it was Muslims of course :D ).
Your views on Islam are the same views people held recently against the Irish. I still get shit from older generations who still group people based on what they have been told about them.
I fondly remember having to use special security lanes at Airports. So fun to be treated as a second class citizen.
Here is a paper showing the link between rising violent crimes and rising inequality.