This is something I've been thinking a lot about after I started having panic attacks in my early thirties. How come I didn't have them in my teens or 20's?
Jordan Peterson actually mentions that exact thing in his new book 12 rules for life: An antidote to chaos He says exactly that; The strange thing is not why some people have anxiety or depression, or become alcoholics or drug addicts. The strange thing is why most people don't? We are all crammed together on this planet of death, disease, famine, murder, rape. Any moment you can get cancer, die of a stroke, or some thug can enter your home and rape you and your family. Sure, some things are less likely than others, but in general, life is a pretty scary situation. Often times it's not though, but it's a minefield. All of a sudden boom! Cancer. Done. At least that's what it feels like sometimes.
And that's how it very much indeed feels like when you let chaos-thoughts take over your whole life. When you feel like you don't have control.
Now, I'm a recovering panic-attacker, and anxieteer. That's how I like to view it. I had to endure certain situational circumstances that was out of my control (upbringing, school etc) and life was just a big chaos up until I got my first child. And after a very scary birth where I was left with no control in a very stressful situation, things eventually became too much for me.
But instead of viewing it as a disease or something that had happened to me which was out of my control, I decided I wanted to take control. And that's when a whole lot of passages in my brain opened up. That's when I realized that if you just keep doing the same thing over and over again, there is no wonder why you feel the same all the time. It's like groundhog day - the movie.
So I stated doing differently. I started doing things that were good for me. Clean my house, exercise, stretch, yoga even do some blogging! And guess what - I'm recovering.
"Suffering" from anxiety and depression is in my opinion a lack of feeling of control. The world, and life overwhelms you. That's possibly why there are more women, especially who suffers from anxiety. Eventually, when the glass get filled up to the edge, you're just so damn sensible to every little thing that happens, so your feelings is like touching the skin of someone with a horrible painful skin disease. Every little touch just pains you so much.
What does a person who suffers from severe anxiety do? They often sit around the house and freak out. I remember I always needed to have "buffer" days. If I was going to do something in two days, I did not have the energy to do anything the day before. But ironically that was not the case. The problem was however that since I did NOT do anything the day before, I spent that day freaking out over the next day. No way I was chilling out or having my thoughts elsewhere. How could I? I wasn't doing anything. I let my mind race and go over potential worst case scenarios for the coming day.
Instead, what normal people do - I realized, was to more or less ignore what happens tomorrow and just do whatever you have to do today. Because most people are bound by some sort of obligation every day.
Unfortunately, in the modern world, more and more people are NOT obligated to things. We don't have tasks, either given to us by someone else or by ourselves every day. In the past, people had tasks that were required of them, or else they died. There was simply no time for anxiety attacks. You had to face actual death every day. Now, that is not the ideal way to live. I'm not one who wishes back to a savage life style. But in the modern world, many are yet to learn how to structure their lives. Take control of their lives.
And it's especially sad how people who experience anxiety often just ends up on drugs and medication which not even help them. When you get a sick leave and end up on non-permanent benefits or even permanent benefits you're not exactly encouraged to improve your life. Ideally, to be entitled to receive help (which is from taxes that you were forced to pay in the first case you needed help..remember how that works?) you should just lay on the couch and watch TV shows. Try to do something or improve your life by yourself is very dangerous, because you could lose your benefits. The incentive is not to be well. For most people it's more important to win that golden ticket of benefits than to actually get better. No, it's much better to wait for a shrink for two years and take medication and stagnate completely.
But now I'm rambling on about the problems with the welfare state again. What really was the topic here was why not everyone are just balls of desperation and anxiety. You're going to fucking DIE for gods sake!! DIE! Probably of cancer or a stroke. It WILL happen. Do you realize that? YOU will fucking die. So will your precious child. Your wife. Everyone you know and have ever cared for will die.
How does that not frighten and paralyze you from being able to do anything? doing something. As long as you are preoccupied with something other than freaking out about death and problems - you are good. It's like ignore mechanism. You just put death and disease on ignore. Just tell yourself that yes, I'm dead soon. So lighten up and have fun. What's the big deal?
And it's amazing how little it actually takes. Little things every day that you look forward to. The daily run. A tv-show (but don't binge!) a glass of wine (don't become an alcoholic!), driving, listening to the radio while doing the dishes, hanging out with your kid, going to the beach, shopping mall, a hike in the forest with family or alone, holiday?!
I think the most important life lesson for me has been to learn how to enjoy several different things every day, and almost force myself to have a positive view on things. Instead of thinking about the negative things, like how far a drive is, and how annoying the people you are visiting are - focus on other things. How cool it will be to see a different place. Spending time with your family. And interesting, not boring, to visit those people. Perhaps you can learn something when observing them.
Anxiety and depression and all other feelings will however always be with you. They are NORMAL. Let's not emphasize too much on those words. They carry so much stigma. Make no mistake, when you've made it as far as I did in my anxiety career, it's a LONG way back. I had for example trouble driving. Imagine not noticing that you hyperventilate, and then out of the blue you can't move your fingers or legs..that's scary when you're driving. Try keep driving and repeating that for over 2 years. Every time you drive into the tunnel where that happened the first time, your pulse goes to 200. It took me over 2 years to overcome that. But I kept driving in that fucking tunnel. Until one day the anxiety just bored me. Yeah yeah, high pulse, sweating, whatever. Boring.
I can still get that hint of anxiety every now and then driving - but when it does arrive I greet it more with curiosity than anything else. Aha! It's here. Interesting. And then of course..that interest, not scare, makes it dissappear as fast as it came.
And I also know my own limitations much better than before. I used to just work and work all the time. Worked night shifts and then did my own thing during the day. That's simply too much. The only positive thing was of course that I now have some financial freedoms that I otherwise would not have. So personally, I still have some ways to go. I would not say I am completely well yet - but at least I've found the cure. Structure, exercise, and most importantly doing the things you want to get better at. If you want to get better at having anxiety, then freak out about things. If you DON'T want to get better at having anxiety, but rather want to learn how to NOT have anxiety, then do things that don't produce anxiety. It is actually very simple. But it takes A LOT of time, and a lot of repeating. And that's where I am going to give the finger to public healthcare. Drugs is not the solution.
Anxiety and depression is not a chemical imbalance or a disease. It's a wrong way of thinking - simply put. And to re-learn how to think takes a long time. Years. And most people don't even know this, so they have no way of building them selves up. And then their lives are over - and they are paralyzed by anxiety for the rest of their miserable lives.
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Wonderful post, @scandinavianlife, thanks for sharing these thoughts; I agree with almost everything you say here and recognize more than I like to admit ;-) Glad you're doing well. It's funny how that works, isn't it? What I mean is, what we get scared of most in life is uncertainty, which comes paired with the feeling of a lack of control you describe so eloquently: will I wake up tomorrow, will my son survive in traffic today on route to school, have I earned enough to pay the mortgage this month? We are scared in the dark because not seeing what's ahead brings a great deal of uncertainty. It is funny then, that we are most scared of the biggest certainty in life: we will fucking die indeed.
But that's just what makes live so precious, and why we're able to enjoy all moments we share with our loved ones. It's what drives us to get things done, because we do not have an eternity to accomplish our tasks, fulfill our wishes and reach our goals. It is why immortality would be the end of our ever evolving humanity in my opinion; immortals can always postpone things to tomorrow and have all the time to get lost in anxiety attack after anxiety attack...
Thanks for making us think about this! Upvoted, resteemed.
Very true my friend. I suppose immortality could be something not to wish for? I haven't quite made up my mind about that yet..I think that we will be immortal (if we choose to, or have enough money) in the future. It wouldn't be "that complicated"..extract your brain into a supercomputer and live in VR for the rest of eternity? Or download your brain into a USB and plug it into any cyborg of your choosing. Or more likely..not immortality, but very prolonged life. What are they saying? That 160-180 years is very possible in the near future with drugs, knowledge about food and exercise, genetic screening etc. But after 160-180 years..difficult. I'm very excited about research on telomers.
But as you say..wouldn't eternal life just make us lazy and postpone everything? Thus making us anxious? Perhaps we cannot enjoy life or be fully human unless we also have death hanging over us..:)
Oh, and thank you so much for nice words and upvote and resteem!: Appreciate it!
Thanks for being a source of inspiration also; you gave me the idea for my next article :-)
This is a very good post. I found myself nodding and agreeing with basically everything as I read it. I have been in that situation and am also in the "recovery" phase. I still have my bad days, but I also have the tools to control them.
What you said about change is very important. You do the same thing, you get the same result. I am in the process of taking a very bold and game changing leap. While risky, I already feel so much better, even now in the very beginning stages.
The drugs are terrible. Yes, they numb the pain, but they don't remove it. They just desensitise you. I did not enjoy being a zombie and I hope never to have to follow that path again.
Exercise is a great and highly underrated treatment. You physically remove toxins from your blood by doing it.
To really answer your question (why doesn't everyone suffer from it); it comes down to two things:
So being anxious is good in a way. It means you have a pretty decent brain and that you care enough to give a f... .
Yes! Thanks for adding that. That is certainly true, and I believe Stefan Molyneux has covered that as well in some of his big "works", if I'm not mistaken! It sounds very familiar.. That being anxious is generally considered a good trait. :)A sign of high intelligence and empathy. But too much of something...
I'm glad to hear you're doing better as well. I've never done the drugs. I've worked in psychiatry, so I know what these drugs can do..and how little they help. And especially for someone "new" dealing with mental problems..drugs is the last thing you want to do. Really the last resort.
"In the 60's people took LSD to make the world weird, now the worls is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal."
Anyways have a look at this article:
I am also suprised that not more people are crippled by anxiety especially people who live in cities. Anyways nice writeup I will be following you.
Haha. Love that qoute. There is some truth to it. I think the world, and life in general is very confusing to a lot of people thanks to the typical leftist political and ideological narratives.
It's terrible that young people are unhappy. I mean..objectively things have never been as good as this. But what people, and especially young people lack is guidance. Older people telling them some truths and helping them sort things out (like Jordan Peterson would say) get some control of the chaos that is life.
And todays parents are just not there. We used to make fun of the absent dad who went to work and then came home and read the newspaper..and then occationally answered some questions. How lame right? But, in retrospect he wasn't doing too shabby. Todays dads first of all dont even know what a MAN is, or what a MAN does. There are literally no men teaching in schools anymore. Only women. There are no good male rolemodels on tv. Only wimps and crybabies and conformists. And the rest..they are just with their nose in their phones.
We live in a very child dense neigbourhood.. and to see a family out together with their kid is a rare event.
We told some friends that we are hoping to visit greece or spain this year, and they were like; " only you two right? wink wink" ALL of us. Of course I want to go to fucking Greece with my SON! Thats going to be one of the coolest things show him other countries. To show him the world. To see his amazed face.
People are often so lost..and it's sad to watch.
In my city with have a huge gang problem and it can mostly be attributed to a lack of father figures.
"We live in a very child dense neighborhood. and to see a family out together with their kid is a rare event." I used to live in a neighbourhood like that and there were mostly single people living there that had no pets or children. People were very work focus and the vibe was really unfriendly. I prefer to stay in a world or even neighbourhood that is child friendly and where people want to have a family and not just live to themselves.
I habe jist got the diagnose panic disorder. And adhd. But im much better now.
Not afraid of rhe attacks anymore. But it can be very bad.
I have used alot of drugs and actually mye general anxiety disorder is away after doikg drugs for all thoose years. Or maybe im just even gotten older and smarter.
Foos you are recovering. That is the mlst important thing.
Having feelings of anxiety makes me feel alive, because it reminds me that I am only human and experiencing what only a normal human being would feel.
Thats a smart way to look at it! And it's true. It's a normal experience most of the time. But for some people it becomes too much and the feeling is overwhelming.
One of your best posts!
"Military discipline" is something that I'm practising and that keeps me fine.
We need to suffer a little bit, we need to push ourselves outside the comfort zone and we need to prove us that current suffering was nothing special. That we are stronger than that and that we are well prepared for much worse.
Thanks man!
Discipline is so important. I'm not always great at it, but I have a lot more routines now than before. When your day is just chaos its not strange that people are chaotic. I've always been very diciplined when it comes to exercise. I've never had any problems with exercising or pushing myself. I could never really understand why people went to exercise groups and stuff like that to be motivated :D
"Military discipline" is a term used only by those who have never been in the military! 😂 If you only knew the reality of a modern Western military...
Lack of motivation and anxiety is caused by hormone imbalances. After all our moods are because of the hormones excreted... The hormone we as anxiety and social awkward sufferers need is: Testosterone, we need a good diet with lost of healthy meats and leafy greens plants roots. We need high intensity exercise like sprints and lower body weight training like squats and deadliest has all shown to increase the called hormone.
I dunno man :)
I struggled with all this while I was lifting 250kg deadlift and benchpressing 150kgs. I went to the gym every day. I was 210 pounds 6 feet. I ate a lot of meat. I had lots of anxiety. Today I'm 180 pounds, I do long distance running, I eat much less meat and I even do yoga. Much less anxiety :)
But I do agree that testosterone is very important for mental (and physical) health, especially for men. Absolutely. But other factors as well could possibly boost testosterone. Plus other hormones are important, like LESS cortisol for instance.
That post is going to help alot of people out man, I completly agree with all what is written there.. Nice of you to share also, were just braking out of the viking winter and refinding out happy selves again.Dam even for me I was getting slightly depressed with no chance to be outside without freezing my arse off. Its here now, a good day to do some blog theorpy, but anyway im going to go to work instead lol! nice to read something from you , ive not been online too much lately, probebrly wont be so much now until winter again hahahyahahahahahyahyahya
Thanks man!
Yeah, winter is pretty rough. Dark, depressive, cold. I haven't been online too much lately myself! I'm running a lot. I want to run an ultramarathon :D Or at least try to challenge the world record in walking 24 hours straight. Something like that..we'll see. lol.
At least being in this cold environment makes us appreciate summer so much more. :)
Theres a record of walking 24 hours non stop? Always great to be doing things ,productive selfesteem boosting activities as such!
Yeah..I think its about 150km in 24h.
The world record for continuous walking in terrain is 48 hours and 300km
The world record for walking in a thread mill is 48 hours and 400km
So you can imagine what are bodies are actually built for :) Probably not those lets say half should not be a problem for a normal person. To walk for 24 hours straight and 150km is probably what we are designed for.
I doubt almost anyone could do that. Not only the physical effort, but the mental. To just walk and walk for 24h straight. I really want to experience the meditative and physical experience of that. I almost experience that when I walk or run 10 miles (15km) in an hour or so. It just feels soo long. Haha.
Intersting stuff! Well tgeres that great film "the way back" where survivors walked 1000s of kms, great film and a true story. Ive walked a fair few kms in my life but 48hrs non stop?! Thats true mediation,no other way?! Ive not looked into the built in stamina of humans, me though, I only run when im being chased hahaha
Hehe. You should read born to run. I started wearing only barefoot shoes after that..and it has helped my feet a lot. Not that I had a lot of problems, but I could get fatigued after prolonged standing (possibly faulty vein valves in the calves) also struggled with my ACL and meniscus. Now? Almost no problems. If something, I'm getting stronger and better every day.
There was actually a norwegian guy called Mensen Ernst (bizarre name..mensen means the female I didn't even know anyone was called that..anyway) He was a legend and possibly the inventor of ultra marathons. He ran distances from Paris to Moscow and England to Damascus. If I'm not mistaken he ran Paris to Moscow in about two weeks. He only stopped twice. Once where he was arrested and put in jail. He then escaped and continued running, and then had one stop before reaching Moscow.
He ran errands for a king (french or spanish, I dont remember) and he wanted to show that he could do it much faster than horses. I'm not quite sure how the story went, but he was found dead from one of those diseased they died from in the past..stumach cramps and bacterias in the water near the river Nile. And was buried there by some tourists who found him. lol.
This was in the early 1800s I believe. Just incredible story. And not that ancient, so it's all legit and did really happen. Wish they made a movie about that guy.
I loved the film (and the book) the way back..I love all sorts of survivor movies :)
Yeah...must be mad meditation. Wonder what happens to you when you just keep going like that. I think the farthest I've ever walked is about 7 hours straight. But I was 10, and I did see a melon tree in the middle of the mountain in Norway, so...definitely meditative :D
fe fean! what and this story is this book "Born to run?" thats like forest gump meets papi :) fucking mental story, ill look out for that! maybe theres an audio book even better!
I cant wait to walk barefoot again, this is real therapy! Free reflexology, better balance thus better posture and more grounding (literally!) ah I miss that but SOOOOOON its possible :)
I just realised also that my mind, when someone says "walking long distance", instantly counts that as carrying 20kg atleast in a huge rucksack and carrying a guitar.. hihi! Not carrying anything would be much easier to walk 24 hours nonstop, much much easier hahahahahahhahahah dam hobos!
@tipu upvote this post with 0.2 sbd :)
Thank you so much my tipping friend! :)
especially I always love to read your blog post
Thanks man :) I always appreciate your upvotes and comments!
Nice article,
I suffer with anxiety for a long time, from my own experience all I can say is if it does ever show it self you have to develop techniques that you have learnt over time to deal with it when it happens, because any thing can trigger it off things might even be going fine and then boom it hits you because of something happening in your life. For me its the little things that help like when it does show its ugly self depending on the situation chewing gum or distracting my self by trying to concentrate on something else like moving your foot around in a circle that way your not fully focused on the thing that's causing your anxiety. Sounds silly but works for me when I get it.Hello, from @chickenburger
Yeah. One must learn to develop different tactics. But I'm definitely not trying to avoid it. I try to welcome it if it sneaks up on me. And you know, I don't get these heavy panic attacks anymore. I do have anxiety and I really have to actively not have anxiety to keep it away. It's still my "default" to be anxious. But I would say I'm not anxious probably 50% of the time now..compared to 99% of the time before. So if I keep this up I'll be Buddha in a couple of years. :)
I thought I was going to get panic attacks when my mother died recently. But I didn't. It was one of those things I was really afraid of. Because I knew it was a big event. (I knew that she didn't have long to live for about two years) But it wasn't an event that triggered any anxiety. It was more sadness. But unfortunately, since she died young at 60 from heart disease without being particularly unhealthy or overweight I started freaking out about genetics and stuff like that. And that escalated somewhat after she died. But I'm exercising like hell and staying off the sugar, and no nicotine (used to use snus..which is nicotine packed yummi you put under your lip) and trying not to become a hypochondriac. :)
Sorry to hear about your mother.
Yes I agree I think you almost have to welcome the anxiety when it shows up, and then deal with it accordingly, the art of distraction works really well. And then also the fear of anxiety etc.. can be turned into a positive thing , no sugar etc.. so well done for that. Its always sad when a loved one passes but we know its going to happen sooner or later, that thought in its self makes me depressed as in what's the point of doing anything if that's the case but as they say the show must go on. I welcome any distraction tactics you may have for dealing with anxiety?
I drive a bus around busy London so for me when it gets really busy that's when I seem to have a problem so I try to distract my self during the busy times. And I also avoid any crowded areas.
From an existential viewpoint, the things that cause use the most anxiety are the universal truths. Death, Isolation, Freedom/Responsibility, and Meaninglessness. Staying distracted and finding meaning in those distractions goes a long way to reducing anxiety. However, when it comes to death. I would say it's more about accepting that one day you will die than it is about distracting oneself from that fact. People with no fear of death are unlikely to be phased by many of life's daily hassles because anxiety, and especially panic attacks are a response to the body feeling like it is in danger. If we remove some of that fear, we have a lot higher functioning individual. I dug the post, giving you a follow.
I think this is very true. I haven't had lasting depression or anything. One way I think I've managed to stay away from those things is through always engaging in something. Specially some philosophical/mindfuck movies/anime helps me a lot.
They are kind of a gateway into some really messed up situation which in a way I can observe from a bird's eye POV and stay partially detached. I think you should seriously take a look at Neon Genesis Evangelion. It had a profound impact on anyone who watched it fully and understood even a portion of it.
The Anime was made by Hideaki Anno after/while recovering from mental illness.
Thanks for bringing these things up. Resteemed :)
Thanks for the resteem and comment :)
now we can earn steem through anxiety! thank you anxiety!
People who give up aiming for a better life never figured out that the problem is their own thinking. They try many quick solutions and when these do not work, they simply give up... And then they can blame their DNA, right?
Yes. I got quite pissed when my step father just blaimed poor genetics for my mothers too early death of heart disease. I'm sure there are some genetic faults running in my family, but genetics are not determined. You can prevent genes from being active etc. I refuse to just lay down and think that genes arent great so I might as well give up.
Exactly. You just have to reflect and analyze your personality to see what behavior works against you. You also need to know what result you want, and then work tirelessly to achieve that. That is all you can do in my opinion, refusing to give up on your dreams!
First time I read your blog. And i am totally satisfied with your blog. Even I have some anxiety for my life. 😞😞
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what about my ^ ^^
@scandinavianlife thanks for sharing. I've thought for a while that being aware of the world and it's problems can cause anxiety. A lot of people block that out, but it can be daunting seeing the world for what it is.