Universities foster an elitist culture. Public school teachers must have college degrees, which means they spent the formative years immersed in that culture. Of course most of them will then impress upon their students the superiority of a college degree. These children grow up hearing over and over that the path to success, and by extension happiness, is through the pursuit of a college degree. Now you have bright young adults, who could have been capable of contributing so much to the world, arrogantly flaunting their gender studies degrees while not having the faintest notion of how to go about producing anything of value to anyone.
I am by no means anti intellectual, but the type of people I have described are truly detestable. Of course, you can not blame them sometimes solely for this behavior. They are only doing what seems logical to them based on their understanding of the world around them.
Watch out for assuming how vast swathes of people "are," especially if your assumption is that they are "truly detestable." It's an easy thing to say and I actually appreciate the sentiment, however, in more cases than not, if you actually got to know a person, you wouldn't call them detestable.
I don't like people vs. people right now. The elite have made sure that the news channels suit opposing narratives and the conservatives and liberals are yelling at each other while the central & federal bankers are fleecing ALL of us.
True. I was speaking more of a hypothetical 'they' in reference to a particular behavior rather than a demographic.
Indeed. My apologies, I was on a bit of a tear ...
No need to apologize. :)
I think there are some people who truly should go to universities and many who do go to these four year schools come out providing value , but I do agree there is an elitist culture in the academic world when half of the teachers and professors are paid wages lower than a union mail man.
Truly! As I said, I am far from being anti-intellectual. Education is important and Universities are (or should be) temples of knowledge and scientific inquiry. Their role in modern society has been grossly distorted however, as has the public's understanding of education in general. Whether or not you have the means or desire to attend college, you still have a human responsibility, I believe, to seek knowledge. I personally have tried college and didn't care for it. I have never even completed an associate's degree. I also will be the first to insist that in an age where literally all the world's collective knowledge is available at your fingertips, (and probably accessible from a pocket-sized device which you carry with you every day,) there is absolutely no forgivable excuse for ignorance.