I think you should read what I wrote again. Did you not see where I explicitly acknowledged that women are more easily sexually intimidated than men?
You seem to draw a disitcintion between “disenfranchising” or “keeping down” and “competing.” I would simply suggest that the whole purpose of competition (whether male on male or male on female) in some men’s minds is to disenfranchise and keep down down one’s opponent. So, I kinda think we’re saying the same thing. Perhaps you should read what I said again and point out any specific phrases that you object to (but when you do, please be sure to interpret those phrases in context).
You asked about the point of the post. The point was to point out that:
1). Some men are highly competitive, even combatitively so.
2). This competition often takes the form of psychological intimidation rather than physical combat (though not always).
3). When men compete against other men in bouts of psychological intimidation, it often takes the form of “dick measuring contests” designed to humiliate, embarrass or harass the opponent into submission.
4). Over the last 50 years, men have started competing more directly against women and not just other men. When they do, they employ the same general technique as against men—techniques of psychological intimidation designed to harass, embarrass and/or intimidate their opponent into submission.
5). And that with women in particular, one of the easiest ways for men to harass, embarrass and/or intimidate them into submission is through sexual psychological intimidation (which would, btw, include things like revenge porn).
6). That women can fight back against psychological sexual intimidation and shaming be becoming shameless—that is, by fighting back rather than playing the victim. Accusing an abuser of being a “mysoginist” or “mansplainer” or a “sexist” might be true, but it’s completley ineffective at winning the pscyhological battle. All it does is let the abuser know that he’s getting under your skin and winning.
What part of the above do you object to exactly? These things seem pretty self-evidence to me and not particularly controversial. Do you perceive me as advocating for such things? Perhaps that’s the problem, in which case you’d be very mistaken.
Not that it’s particularly relevant to the discussion, but the facts are real clear that more men than women ARE in fact raped by men each year, at least when prison rapes are factored into the equation. Google it.
Have you printed out you article and shown it to your female bosses yet? Please do, and let's see what happens!
Alas, I have no female bosses.