Islam is a divine religion calling for the worship of God alone and has no partner. It is one of the most widely spread religions in the world. Islam has appeared since 1439 through the Prophet Muhammad, a religion that calls for love and peace.
The pillars of Islam are:
1 - A certificate that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
2- Prayer
3 - Fasting
4 - Zakat
5- Pilgrimage The pillars of faith are:
Faith in God, His angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the Last Day, and faith in the Judgment, good and evil
Islam forbids murder and prohibits all methods that hurt both humans and animals.
Islam forbids adultery and betrayal and encourages the strong relationship between spouses.
Islam denies lying, theft and fraud.
Islam calls for love and peace and it must love people just as you love yourself.
Islam calls for loving, respecting and caring for parents
Islam calls for respect for other religions.
![2014_9_7_19_26_36_808.jpg] () From the teachings of Islam:
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