20 People Who Met Their Craigslist 'Missed Connections'

in #life6 years ago

If you’ve browsed the Missed Connections section on Craigslist, you know the entries can range from sweet to cringey to creepy. Ever wondered if the writers actually find the person they’re looking for?

A bunch of Redditors shared what happened when their missed connections became real-life encounters.

For some, their posts led marriage (ahem, and divorce), but others ended on a sour note—keep reading to get the scoop.

An underground encounter.

My friend was carrying her groceries on a busy subway from Manhattan to Queens, and this guy gave up his seat for her.

They didn’t chat, but locked eyes a few times and as the guy got off, my friend said they smiled and laughed at each other.

After she got home, her roommate told her to post on missed connections, but when she went on the guy had already posted about her!

They dated for a short while, but he then got back together with an ex he’d met through AA. —euancmurphy

Hey, not every meet-cute ends in marriage.

I used to browse Missed Connections. I saw one that said something like, “I see you walking your dog on [street] every day. You’re cute, and I’d like to talk to you.”

That was my street, and I’d seen lots of girls walking dogs there, so I figured I’d help a bro out.

I sent back something like, “There are quite a few cute girls who walk dogs on [street], you may want to update your post with a description of the girl and the dog. I’m the average looking blonde with the scruffy white dog.”

He emailed back saying that I was the one he was referring to! WHAT.

So I thanked him and told him (truthfully) that I was a single mom going through a hard time and wasn’t ready to even think about dating.

I got a friendly email back, wishing me the best, and that was that. —insertcaffeine

A little ego boost never hurt anyone!

Where in the world is Waldo?

It wasn’t really a missed connection in the sense that one of us saw the other and posted about it.

I had just moved to a new area and hadn’t met many people yet, so to entertain myself (I had yet to hear about Reddit), I would post clearly joke (I was not subtle) missed connections.

The post he responded to was me looking for Waldo.

He responded to me jokingly, as Waldo, saying he was in search of his love Carmen SanDiego. We chatted for a while, and we hit it off.

Met a few weeks later. Got married a few years later. Getting divorced a few years after that. —TheClicheMovieTrope

A roller coaster of a story.

A good friend is hard to find.

I met someone from a missed connection. Once we met, I realized that I didn’t have any romantic interest in this person, and he didn’t have any in me.

But, we became pretty good friends! We were even roommates one year when I was in university.

Even now when we both have our own SO’s, we still like to get coffee and catch up. He’s a really awesome person! —sillybanana2012

The most wholesome Missed Connection.

Bus stops and wedding bells.

I have a good friend that met this guy at a bus stop, I believe. They chatted casually for a few minutes, and that was the end of it.

Later, my friend was kicking himself for not asking the guy out for coffee or something and posted a missed connection about it.

About a week later, bus stop guy’s boss was browsing missed connections and recognized the description of the guy’s hat, so he sent him the posting.

And now, several years later, my friend and bus stop guy are married.

My friend still has a screenshot of the missed connections post saved on his phone. —Quinntissential

We’re totally here for this love story (can someone please make it into a movie?).

Next, a poster that didn’t quite expect the response they received.

- The story continues 1/4-

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