People Share What Makes Them Swipe Left on Tinder Profiles

in #life6 years ago

Online dating is pretty ubiquitous these days. I know several people who met their significant others online.

But there are still some things you just don't want to see when you're perusing the Internet for potential partners.

Writer Alanna Bennett recently posed this question to the people of Twitter:

via: Twitter

Everyone is looking for something different when they are looking on dating apps, but there are some universal things that people are definitely not looking for.

People went bananas sharing the things they can’t stand to see on dating profiles and will automatically reject.

Are you guilty of any of these?

via: Twitter

I feel like these are all describing the same kind of person.

Like, every single one of these pictures could have come from the same profile.

via: Twitter

The first two are definitely in the same category, but the third one is where it veers off.

Although, maybe she means like big fish that they caught, not like, a little goldfish or something.

via: Twitter

Who wears lederhosen in their dating profile picture?! Also, the profile is there for a reason.

“Just ask” means you were just too lazy to fill out the profile.

via: Twitter

I genuinely don’t understand why people take pictures of themselves in the bathroom.

Usually, those photos are not good!

The next one is a MUST for me!

- The story continues 1/4-

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