Women's State of Ambivalence – The Art of Distracting Her Mind

in #life7 years ago


Women have the uncanny ability to want two diametrically opposed things at the same time. This can range from feelings, thoughts, motives, actions, desires, etc. Women don't mind ambivalence because women don't mind having it all. Ambivalence is a state of having emotions of both positive and negative as well as having contradicting thoughts or actions relating to an object, person, or idea. Ambivalence is referred to as 'mixed feelings'. For example, women want to be respected and misused. Women want intimacy and space. Women will communicate one way but mean something else. Women will know the nice guy is a better partner in the long term, the problem is the relationship with the nice guy is boring and safe. At the same time, women can't help but be drawn to the irresponsible bad boy. Ask any female which she would prefer, the nice guy who puts all her needs ahead his own or the bad boy who is emotionally void, unattached and sexually puts it down. She will say she wants both.

Yet women express this ambivalence on men as well. Women will love a guy at the same time berate him to no end. Talk about sending mixed signals, women complain about receiving the same mixed messages they are sending out. Why is this done at all? Women do this as a means to lower the self-esteem of the man. Similarly, when women display constant nice gestures for the guy in a relationship, does she do this out of love? Sure. Does she do this as an ulterior motive? Better believe it. She does this to keep her man dependent on her but due to ego most guys can't see this.

Quick story. My ex would pack me a lunch every morning before work. I knew all the reasons why she did this so I would call out the obvious all the way up to a certain point. I would say 'It's nice you make these lunches for me or else I would have to do it myself'. Now she couldn't tell if I knew all of her motives or if it was a blanket general unaware comment. This always kept her feeling like she wasn't in control.

What is a guy to do about a woman's ambivalence? The secret is to have women feel ambivalence most of the time. I say most of the time because we have to give them a little time to recover. The unseen tactic is to distract her mind by inputting feelings of ambivalence onto her. This is done by stimulating her mind but if a guy can do this while also stimulating her other sensory inputs well that's bonus points. The key is to give them want they want. Be intimate & distant. Be joyous & cold. Be cruel & kind. Give them contrast but make sure it's balanced contrast. The effect is she will be trying to figure out exactly how she feels from this stimulated ambivalence you have given her. By using this technique, it leaves women with less time to desire what they want, which is everything. Men must realize women want everything. It's important for men to understand this in order to have any idea on how to fulfill what women want. Men also need to know how to quell the temperament of the woman. It's just how the game goes and all players must respect the game.

Remember guys: We all came here for discipline, experience & learning.