I heard that spreading sea salt on the carpets on the floor and leaving them for 24 hours before vacuuming will change the energy of the home to a more positive one.
You guessed it! I happen to have lots of sea salts so I went ahead and spread them everywhere on our carpets until the entire bag disappeared and then I plan to vacuum tomorrow with hopeful anticipation.
What methods do you use to change the energy flow @senseicat
I can hardly bear being in a gloomy and moody environment. Such energy really doesn't do for me and the best way to change it is to walk in with a smile and then ask; 'how are you doing today's
That really works for me!!
I think that is great advice for everyone in our Steemit community. I think being a pleasant person is the first step in creating a more positive world. It all begins within.
Great it is a great information for me. That is the creation of God. I'm going to try this