Today cayleigh turned 15 years old. I've had two kids turn 15 but this one has really felt like it's come crazily fast. Why it just feels like yesterday that she was a little girl running around and laughing and playing.
From day one Cayleigh was full of personality. We called her our bubble of sunshine as everywhere she went she had a big smile on her face and was just so full
She was excited to start school and made friends very easily
Cayleigh was always very easy going and loved to dance and sing. She's always been quite musical. She loves to sing with her older sister Rayna and plays ukulele and guitar and piano also.
Cayleigh's laugh is contagious! She is full of passion and joy and a bit of sass too.
Cayleigh is full of life and excitement
No matter how old she gets she will always be a treasured part of our family. We all Love her to bits !
IMG_3485.JPG !
IMG_3497.JPG Happy birthday Cayleigh.
Of love and happiness. ![IMG_3522.JPG] (
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