In honor of my brother

Luis David Natera Reyes or as we called him by love (Luisito) was born on June 30, 1997 was the youngest of three brothers. As I grew up I was curious about the sport I played (baseball). My parents decided to enroll him also in the criollitos league of Venezuela. My father always took him to his practices and joked him saying (Luis is the tallest of all children).
As time went by Luis started looking for an academy to develop his potential as a pitcher, so he worked hard in baseball as well as in school, because Luis always told him to practice Luis baseball but do not neglect his studies.
He graduated from high school and began studying at the university, but even so he continued practicing his sport, the weekends accompanied him to warm up and I confess that he threw hard, it was very funny but I was afraid to catch the ball so strong He threw, (I hate to admit it but it was like that), I never told him !!!!

After a while Luis begins to grow a ball in the neck my parents worried they took him to the doctor they did the exams and they tell him not to worry that this is an inflamed tissue, they sent him some creams, he continued with his routine of exercise, time went by and the ball was looking bigger and bigger, my parents decided to take it to another doctor, who examined it, and told them it was surgery, my brother was a little scared because he did not want to have surgery, but even so they did their postoperative exams and thank God they all went well.
Luis enters the operating room for two hours, which is what lasted the operation, finally goes out, my parents talk to the doctor to explain how everything went, the doctor tells him that everything went well, but what had luis on his neck apparently it was cancer, in the operation they noticed, that it was not a ball if not several, they only extracted what they could because the larger one embraced the jugular vein and they could not get it out.
Luis had a good time to rest. Meanwhile they did studies (biopsy) to the balls that they took out to confirm or not if the doctor's suspicions were true, when the results of the biopsy arrived he tested positive, for a type of cancer called (classic hongkin) which leaves in the lymph nodes.
The doctor talks to everyone and says that Luis is going to improve that this type of cancer is 100% curable, that you only have to do chemotherapy.

The whole family tried to cheer him up, I wanted to distract him a bit from his pain, from his depression I took him some places like for example to the cinema.
Luisito after a year and a half of fighting against that disease that was consuming him little by little, he left this world, leaving us all bruised, but knowing in our hearts what happened to a better life where he will not suffer more and that from up there he is taking care of us all. It seems to be a lie but today is already one month of your departure brother, and in honor of you I wanted to share this story, because I'm proud of you.
Luis!!!! I love you brother.
people never die as long as they are remembered, they live in the memory of others, and now also in a small part of this blockchain for as long as it exists, my condoleances
hello @rudyardcatling thank you very much for your words
well, i consider the only certainty in life to be death, nothing else is certain, losing someone close is the hardest thing but nothing can be done, if it happens then it is. We can but remember the good things and try to do what they couldn't but wanted i suppose,
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