How to learn Dutch for free !

in #life8 years ago


"Inburgering" Aka. Integration & citizenship studies : you must have heard this term if you ever come to Netherlands.

According to Wiki:
In many cases the foreigner is obliged to learn very basic Dutch and basic knowledge about Dutch society while still abroad and he or she must pass an exam abroad before receiving a visa for temporary residence. All this depends on certain criteria (especially what country the foreigner comes from).

so basically expats (Of non EU countries) living or working in Netherlands & the foreign partner of Dutch citizens who are willing to live / work in Netherlands are obligated to go trough this.

DUO is NGO that provides loans that cover integration courses and each individual is given 3 years to pass the exam consist of Speaking , reading , writing and listening along with the labor law test to be eligable for citizenship

So here are few steps that person should do when preparing for their Inburgering:

  1. Apply for DUO loan ( You will need to have a Digital ID or Digid)
  2. once approved find a school or institute that provide these course ( accredited schools and services providers are found here: you can always search according to where you live and the Ratings!
  3. Register to a school and provide your DUO information enroll in the course and once your ready do the exam ( Remember you have enough time but you should not exceed the period of 3 YEARS).

Along with the course material and classes you can always check out this free sources :

  1. (great content on youtube)

if you have any sources please share or comment with you experience in learning new language and the methods you used.


Tot zeins


Correct Dutch will be ''Tot ziens!'' xD

true . my bad :D