in #life7 years ago

A group of young adults came to my office the other day trying to sort things out when crisis banged on their door concerning a project they were working on for their college.
They have a brilliant idea, the group is sufficient, clever, competent and they have the power and will to make it happen, to help the Idea become real, find its form, form its shape and manifest itself. They have the creative drive and actually they are creators. They experiment, they thread their way through and can wait for the outcome even though it’s not immediate or clear. Things can’t be known ahead of time many times and that’s ok. They are doing excellent but needed consultation in order to solve the second step of the cooperation.

Diversity had began because as time goes by details which are insignificant at first appear and ask for immediate solution. Boundaries need to be placed, specific tasks to be assigned, money issues is the hardest battlefield…Things might start getting grey and solutions can’t satisfy neither part. The partners do not still feel themselves as fraction of the whole but the separate selves, our personalities lets say, get menaced and need to control things and the outcome. All members of the group engage themselves in power games. Balance is lost and the eagle as we already said that flies because of the “metron ariston” of his wings is falling down. They can all easily separate, loose their vision, jump in chaos, divide, abandon, leave, leave, leave…


When we work to raise the whole, everything goes on well. Think about it in your daily life, at times of earthquakes, 9/11, floods, wars but then comes a moment that individuals appear separated from each other and personalities need to express themselves. Fair enough. It’s ok and absolutely normal. But from that height harmony sounds impossible.
One must fly high again to the higher connection of one’s soul because from that height there is no combat, no separation, just oneness. It’s from that height that the Idea was conceived at first place, but giving form to an Idea is a completely different process. It’s when we can easily become enemies to our own vision. We are the threat to ourselves.

What do we do in the middle of a crisis? Crisis management and strategy. One should answer one question only! What is my aim?

To make the Idea happen. To turn it into reality.

Ideas are bullet proofs, they can’t die.

But groups can easily separate.
If one lets one’s personality have power over the Idea and the team, the end is near.
Separation will become the background and oneness will fade rapidly.

It’s the steel power, the WILL for the team not for individual satisfaction that we need to grasp so as to proceed. And if we place our selves again under this bigger decision of the teamwork for the sake of the Idea, everything will find its proportion, its golden ration. Merging, mingling, shifting will automatically appear. Growth is always limited by strong opinions and we should never ever forget that.

“Rise up now to another level of consciousness!” I advised them. “To the height of your Idea where you first met and be ware of what is going on.”

The faculty of awareness was for them the key that helped them out. They all decided to love “their child” and remain parents of it. And then strictly, in a mature way, strong and with a steel hand, shared parenting with a proper distinction.
Instead of destroying their Idea, they destroyed the old way of doing things and strived towards team work with the same power and will that runs in their veins but for the best of all, leaving the world with a new print that inspires the hope of the New era for the generations to come.