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RE: We are hot but still single. Why girls from generation Y have problems tying the knot.

in #life9 years ago

It is definitely generalizing generation Y! I cannot agree with any of the points you mention, but then again, I think it has to do with culture, our upbringing and our personality. It has become easier to find people to have sex with, but that is the difference between "having sex" and "making love". If you dont take risks you dont get rewards. Just like #steemit, you took a chance and went for it. You should be able to give a chance to guys. There is no perfect guy out there. Not even you or me are perfect. Just be with someone who makes you laugh and you have things in common with. Good luck @inboundinken ! :)


Any explanation of what points or why you can't agree with them? From my experience with girls in gen x and gen y(and with a lot of boys as well), most of this article is directly on point. You wouldn't happen to be under the age of 25 would you? A real relationship needs to do more than just make you laugh, and lots of times better relationships are had with people you have less in common with(as people are naturally competitive and it can add to tension fairly easily), you should look for a relationship where your partner inspires you to be better, and supports you in all your endeavors, whether or not they are perfectly inline with what they want to do.

@ktmgen no i am not under 25. I am older. The article mentions being selfish, thinking about oneself, always posting selfies on facebook. "Needing" to feel valued by friends to make them feel better. Being spoiled and "having it all given to you". Maybe that is generation Y in the United States. Maybe that is why I cant agree with any of the points. In Europe where I am from, we are taught to respect ourselves and be caring toward others. That is why I mentioned it might be a cultural difference. I am a great listener, in fact i would rather listen than talk. I am one of the least selfish people, and i have always had long-term relationships. In fact, i have only had three relationships. Just like anything in life, you get what you put into it. If you put effort and work towards something you will succeed. We can all agree to disagree. No problem with that :)

The only difference in a relationship and a marriage is pretty much a piece of paper. You are committed to one another, have yo constantly work at the relationship, and most importantly, you have to grow together.

I am in Europe a lot. In fact, right now I am in Switzerland, and I still see the same shit. The girls I know in the UK and Belgium being the worst/most blatantly self objectifying/selfish of the bunch.

Marriage has a ton of social/tax benefits as far as it goes, so not just paper. It also helps in the psychological development of children to have two parents that are married(as this is what society dictates a child should be born into).

There are always exceptions to stereotypes, and you may be one of them, but also, if you're older than 25 your kind of border lining/passing into gen x anyway, and there are some vast differences between the two with the development of social media that was kind of starting for gen x, but very well established already for gen y.