What I Learned From My Podcast Guests - Episode 2 - Evan May - It's Never Too Late

in #life8 years ago

Those of us that have reached a certain age have rued the fact that we are getting older and lamented all the things that we haven't done with our lives yet. Hell, I have heard people that are entering their 30s say that they are too old to do what they have always wanted to do.

We all know that it is absolutely crazy to think that we are ever too old to do the things that we want to do. Certain things are beyond us of course. I know that being in my 40s, any chance of being a professional athlete is gone. That comes down more to a lack of talent that anything else. When it comes to goals such as traveling, writing a book, making music, or any of a number of goals where age is not a barrier, then there is time.

Evan May, my guest on podcast episode 2, has enjoyed creative writing since he was a child of 7 or 8 years old. As happens with many of us, life got in the way of writing that first novel. We have jobs and relationships and schooling and families that we have to take care of and that burgeoning career in writing gets placed to the side.

Evan finally found time to write that book and get it published, and apparently, that started the ball rolling in a big way. Evan's second novel is now well on its way to being completed and published. Evan May is also in his 40s now, and if he lives into his 80s and hopefully longer, he has a 40 or 50-year writing career ahead of him.

At some point, you are likely to come up upon a milestone birthday and think that your chances for doing all the things that you have wanted to do are gone. Don't believe your own brain. There are plenty of stories out there of great men and women that have accomplished amazing things well into their lives. There's nothing stopping us from doing the same.

So write that book, record that album, climb that Goddamn mountain, do whatever it is that you have always wanted to do. Your age isn't a factor in any of it. The only true factor is death. Once you are dead, THEN it is too late.

Check out episode 2 of the Sunday Morning Coffee Podcast with Evan May


Very good post,I agree I am only in my mid 30s and I had the feeling that I wont accomplish things i always wanted too. But you are right, Death is the only factor that can truly stop us from doing what we want. And im going to give it all I have to make that happen. I look forward to your next post

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope you will check out my podcast. I'm sure you have many great things that you want to accomplish. Get out there and accomplish them. :)

Great post, Sir! I need to listen to the podcast now!