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RE: Broken Paradigm: How New Goals Make Old Ways Obsolete

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I'm completely with you on this. Money is the root of all evil and must be abandoned. From one perspective it's obsolete already as it's not backed by resources anymore. Just some virtual digits in a bank account. It's the greatest deception of all time.

I fully support your mission and would appreciate if you keep us posted. Always a great pleasure meeting someone who has seen through the deception.


Well, I was sluffing off today, building a deck for a neighbor who cannot afford it, but who's own efforts were actually dangerous, so I worked for the reward of a longer lived neighbor =p.

As I said, at the pace I can be expected to proceed, there's not much point in abating your breath awaiting developments. It'll be a month or more before I get up the scratch for a printer, and likely this winter before I have much of a handle on how to use it enough to start making modifications.

I appreciate much your kind words =)