"The Inequality between Men and Women"
Gender inequality still exists today and the institutional discrimination resides within the fabric of society. Thinking that most women don't have the freedom and equal opportunity and access to healthcare, job, etc. It is so hard to imagine that there are women across the world living in a society in which they are not seen as an equal but instead as a reserved to the household and all associated activities.
As a woman, I have learned that I cannot take my freedom for granted; to have access to my physical, and mental capabilities, and spiritual liberties is a privilege, to be able to decide for my own - one that is not shared by women everywhere.
Gender plays a very hefty role in each and every aspect of people’s lives all over the world. Even today, women are still not treated as equal to men even though women are contributing to the economy more or less at par with men. Women all over the world cry for “equal pay for equal work” but is still mostly unheard and ignored.
Although there have been evident signs of progress, there are still many alarming issues that prevail regarding gender discrimination. Therefore, the fight for total gender equality must be made a global priority as a fundamental step in both human development and economic progress.
This article explores the discrimination of women in terms of occupational distribution, organization of work, and the character of relationships within the family where, according to many, the essence of gender inequality resides.
What is Gender and Gender Stratification?
Gender is the personal traits and social positions that member of a society to being female and male.
Gender Stratification is the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women. It refers to the social ranking, where men typically inhabit higher statuses than women.
Male-Female Differences
Males are 10% taller, 20% heavier, and 30% stronger
Women can expect to live for 80.6 years while men are for 75.5 years only
Males do better in Mathematics while Females do better in writing
Gender Inequality

Patriarchy and Sexism
Patriarchy (“rule of fathers”) is a form of social organization in which males dominate than females.
Matriarchy (“rule of mothers”) is a form of social organization in which females dominate than males.
Countries like India and Yemen are perceived to be patriarchal, where men are given more importance than women. Today's India offers a lot of opportunities to women, with women having a voice in everyday life, the business world as well as in political life. Still, India is a male-dominated society, where women are often seen as subordinate and inferior to men.
Much of the discrimination against women arises from India's dowry tradition, where the bride's family gives the groom's family money and/or gifts.
Sexism is the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other.
Gender and Socialization
Gender Roles are attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex.
A culture that defines males as ambitious and competitive encourages them to seek out positions of leadership and play team sports. To the extent that females are defined as deferential and emotional, they are expected to be supportive helpers and quick to show their feelings
Gender Stratification shapes the workplace:
In any field, the greater the income and prestige associated with a job, the more likely is to be held by a man.
Income and Wealth
In 2009, median earnings for women working full time were $36,278, and men working were $47,127. Therefore, for every dollar earned by men, women earned about 77 cents only.
Gender Stratification shapes politics:
Women were legally barred from voting in national elections until the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1920.
In recent decades, the number of women in politics increased significantly.
Violence Against Women
The United Nations defines violence against women as,
"any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life."

Based on the reports by the US Department of Justice in 2010, there were:
•294,000 aggravated assaults
•106,000 rapes or sexual assaults
• About 1.5 million simple assaults
Violence against women is built into different cultures in different ways.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment refers to comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome, where most victims are women.
The reason is that:
- Our culture encourages men to be sexually assertive and to see women in sexual terms.
- Most people in positions of power are men who oversee the work of women.
Feminism is support of social equality for women and men, in opposition to patriarchy, matriarchy, and sexism.

Basic Feminist Ideas:
- Working to increase equality
- Expanding human choice
- Eliminating gender stratification 4. Ending sexual violence
- Promoting sexual freedom
It is very clear that everyone (Men and Women) needs to know and be educated about the prevailing inequality across the globe. Gender awareness and initiatives should be implemented to bring the gender gap to its end. There is certainly more work to be done.
Image sources: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Thank you for your support!
This comment is by no means aimed at contradicting your article but a way to offer a wider perspective and offers an open discussion. No offense meant against women but here are my thoughts:
We always cry for gender inequality, bias, sexism etc etc BUT this article only talks about women, if there is a law on violence against women is there a law on violence against men? - there's NONE, so how is that promoting equality?
you cited reports from the UN about violence against women but have you compared (or is there any report at all) the cases whereby men are violated?
if we think about this logically, we can't form an equation if there's only one side we are looking at.
don't you think maybe the reason why there are no reports of such cases is because society have painted a culture that it's un-manly (if that word exist) to say *a woman violated me (a man)! * -- how is this equality ?
women have a choice to be strong
women have a choice to be well educated and are even better than men
women have a choice to succeed in any fronts
In my opinion, if we keep on promoting violence against women, women's rights, equality, bla bla bla etc. the more that we put pressure on ourselves and create distance between men and women at the same time, also creating that atmosphere of inequality.
My counter proposition is, how about we promote Gender Sensitivity and Gender Awareness ? - we both recognize men's and women's strengths and weaknesses, we accept it and respect each other.
I am actually going to do a separate article about the gender stratification between men and women. I'm very sorry for making this article biased and insensitive. I will edit it to specify that this article is focused on women's side and I am in the process of making an article about men being violated, etc. Again, I'm very sorry.
Still, I am glad that somehow I was able to get the attention of some people about this global problem.
You are right, we should promote Gender Sensitivity and Gender Awareness instead.
Oh, I actually did specify:
Thank you.
yes you did and I noticed that. i guess my point is, we can better communicate the change we want by being more positive about things. we can't just tell every man to treat women equally and tell him he is biased and oppressive at the same time. am i making sense? lol :)
Thank you @precise. There is certainly more work to be done and this discussion is one step to change. My job here is to open a door for discussion about the stratification that still occurs in our society. (Nahurot akong english hahahaha)
mag binisaya na lang ta day! hahaha
pero nice jud imong article, hulaton nako ang part 2 ha ?
Hahaha cge sir. Nagkamulo pajd kog sulat. Daghan kaung salamat sir 😊