I feel we are being misled. Looking into the supposed "rags to riches" tales, that are often shared by many celebrities, most of them turn out to be falsified. Also, their relatives own the media and can tell any story they wish. This "rags to riches" propaganda has been well maintained since the Federal Reserve came into being and keeps us plenty preoccupied with their rigged system of things. Don't believe me? I tried to get on as a Cartoonist with a syndication. They sent me a "rejection" letter. All the letter really said is, "this isn't how you go about doing this". Wouldn't you know it? There was a Masonic compass in the upper right corner. The truth is, my cartoon idea did not support the Masonic agenda, so it was therefore, rejected. Anyone who is accepted creates things that help with the agenda of the few. If you do your own research, you will discover thousands of reasons to be pissed off.