The BIG question?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit,
I type this post out today not to give facts and say what is, this is merely just my thoughts viewed out to all freely and could possibly be running through your thoughts too by the end of this. Only because it can be something to think about. So please, I would recommend to read this with an open mind.

Planet Earth
This beautiful round sphere and I mean, just look at the beauty of it! Even if it was flat it still looks beautiful and doesn't matter how you see Earth, being flat or round. It's filled with life that is forever changing and evolving every single second of everyday, in an open universe surrounded by planets and billions of stars. Everything around us is alive and even in this universe, all planets in our solar system too, including the massive Sun - this entire universe is ALIVE!
This is something that I've been thinking for a good time now "everything around us, are made from data. Our genetics are so complex filled with data, it's not really fully understood. If it was, there would be a news break through that a human embryo has been made in a lab. We not far from that discovery though, man recently created the first mammal embryo using only stem cells. So creation is possible through the works of man and it's just a bit of time before that goal is achieved to be done seamlessly with technology."
Looking at creation in a Biblical point of view, in all cultures we were created by an all mighty being or energy. It was either written on stone walls/tablets or scrolls buried away for future generations to praise and worship our creator and to show appreciation for the works, with guidelines as well essentially to teach how to treat others and the way of life. I think, not all knows what the meaning of life is but try their best to do good and be good however not everyone cares about how one should live when looking how society developed over the decades, crime increased, poverty and wars ect.

Human Evolution
So I don't believe that we came from apes and evolved to humans. Yes there are various skulls, like ones below I found on a website stating it is the early signs of man:
Which just looks like a creation similar to humans but is not. If the story of evolution is true, are we still evolving physically or just intelligently? Well evolving intelligently seems more believable as man has been depicted in the same form for thousands of years but technologically there are differences compared to the past of course.
From caves, to clay houses, clay houses to cities, migration overseas and now launching space explorations. Where do we want to be and what is it we trying to discover? Well, I think we discovering ourselves and one trait we all have is curiosity and that is the main reason to discovery as it fuels the urge to know. Because of that trait, we will continue to grow and adapt to this ever changing world and our minds will change because of this. What do you think will become of us in the next 100 years? If there are already scientist working on slowing the aging process of man and already done so with mice successfully and predicting that human trials will happen in the next couple of years. How far is science taking this to reverse the aging process?
So humans evolved a lot intelligently and based on discoveries and present capabilities, it's not stopping. It's quite scary and thrilling at the same time - only because my curiosity is taking over! Truth is, human evolution is still continuing to develop and change the way I see everything, and I speak for myself only because I can't speak for you.
The big question: Why are we here?
None of us knows that, we feel we know it but are your feelings really true? I mean, we only human and we can be wrong. Damn, I might be dreadfully wrong about all this too. What I do know, is that I was created by an almighty being or the most intelligent being in the universe and created the universe so perfectly that you have to realize that nothing can't become something. There is a system at work here, and we do not fully understand it. I don't know what the future discoveries have for us, but I do believe that it will lead humans to become like God, givers of life and are basically paving the path for it. It seems all demented when you not understanding this with an open mind,thinking a bit outside of your normal life, outside from the 9-5 job you work, spending time with the family, capturing moments on camera, outside of the basics you do daily. Is that all we are meant to do? Feel happy,create our own happiness, family and leave a legacy behind or have we been designed to be in a race to only discover and create?
Thanks for reading!
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