A relationship of bothers is stronge and powerful. I have two brother and I have seen them fighting and arguing with each other but the best part is they forget everything and come together in difficult as well as good time. I hope your both sons always stay together and love each other forever. You have very beautiful sons Mash Allah! Take care @denni.japro and stay blessed!
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Terimakasih, Alhamdulillah sampai sekarang mereka sangat akrab, masih kecil dan saling bercanda dimana saja mereka berada, hahahaha,......... sampai bapaknya juga jadi korban mereka, aku sangat senang ketika melihat mereka tersenyum bahagia, kecintaan abang kepada adik sangat besar. aku sangat bersyukur, semoga kamu juga memiliki keluarga yang lebih bahagia lagi