5 types of journals to keep

in #life7 years ago


Why journal? To chart your progress, jot down ideas on the fly, list goals and challenges, record feelings, make lists, and so much more. Check out these five types of journals to keep:


Maybe you think keeping a journal is for teenagers, but a personal journal is a great way to stay in the habit of daily writing. A journal’s great appeal is that it’s yours and yours alone; there is no audience, no deadline, and no agenda, so you can write freely, digging into and exploring your emotions. For personal purposes, choose a journal that appeals to your aesthetic sensibilities–something that comforts you, something you will want to pick up and come back to each day, maybe featuring a buttery leather cover or a stunning photograph. Even if the writing you do on these pages isn’t creative or literary–or even in complete sentences–journaling on a regular basis will make writing habitual for you, and it will be easier to stay committed to a future creative writing project.


And when you do have a creative writing project, why not journal about it? Writing is frequently a solitary practice, and it can be difficult to recognize our own progress sometimes. Keeping a journal about writing is a way to log challenges, successes, and aspirations, or to jot down ideas in fragment form. You might keep a list of possible titles, the names of authors you want to read, or an outline of a future chapter there, too. For this type of journal, you might want to choose a book with multiple sections, divided by folders, so you can track several projects at once. Writing about writing might seem like overload, especially if your project journal is your second journal; but it’s never a bad idea to track your progress.



Have you heard about bullet journals yet? Dubbed “the analog system for the digital age,” the bullet journal is for people who want to be better organized, track their habits and practices, and for whom more traditional journaling hasn’t really “stuck.” Bullet journalers use a system of symbols and marks to quickly log current and future tasks. The concept is to turn your life into “bullet points” on paper in a hybrid diary/to-do-list/planner, where you can more easily plan for the short and long term. According to the website, you can pick any journal you want, but you need to be mindful of its size: “If it’s too big you’ll never take it with you. If it’s too small it will be impractical. Be sure to get something that’s rugged enough to keep up with you.”


Are you someone who loves to travel? Exploring different towns, cities, landscapes, countries, and continents can yield lots of material for writing projects—but how will you remember everything you see, touch, hear, smell, and taste if you don’t write it down? A well-traveled journal is the way to go. You might choose one with pocket flaps for tucking train or plane tickets, or with clear plastic sleeves for keeping photographs you snap on your journeys. A travel journal should slip neatly into your favorite carry-on bag. You might even want a small pocket journal for every trip you take.



Writing can be incredibly rewarding; it can also be frustrating, lonely, and mired with rejection and uncertainty. Keeping a gratitude journal, besides being yet another way to work writing into your everyday life, might be just the balm you’re seeking. What’s true of spirituality is true for writing: focusing on what you’re grateful for can be a way to stay centered on positivity and the elements of your life that are within your control. You don’t have to elaborate on your gratitude; studies show that the simple act of writing down a few things you’re grateful for each day is enough to improve your empathy, psychological health, sleep, self-esteem, and mental strength (all of which are necessary for writing!). Maybe one day you’ll write, “Today I am grateful for having finished my novel,” then flip back 100 pages or so and read, “Today I am grateful for having written my novel’s first sentence”—how’s that for tangible proof of how far you’ve come? Like a project-related journal reminds us of our progress in writing, a gratitude journal can be a healing reminder that there is always something for which to be grateful.

Do you keep any of these types of journals, and if not, which one appeals to you most? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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This post first appeared at the blog for the Center for Creative Writing, which offers online writing courses, retreats, and private guidance for writers of all experience levels. I am the Center's director, and this is my original content.


I was just reading today about someone who kept a journal about the things that they learned. Track it by month, not only as a way to see what you learned, but positive motivation, and a way to help you focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Good read. Thanks.

A learning journal, great idea! Thanks for reading and commenting.

All things I've been meaning to either start or get back into.
Great post. Thanks.

Thanks for reading and commenting. Best of luck with your journal!

Thanks! :-)

My journal is a mix of a few types. The first section is a bullet journal for a calendar and general notes. The second section is notes from non-fiction books I read. Then I have the creative section for my poetry and the last is set aside for ideas to blog on and other 'business' things.

Oh that's a neat way to organize it, then everything is all in one spot but separated by intent or purpose. Thanks for sharing! I might try this myself.

Go for it! I will also buy a new notebook for the new year so I can see what each year held for me if I wish to do so.

PS: I use the "Leuchtturm1917 A5 Size Hardcover Notebook" with dotted pages.

Nah, I'm against journals. It's better when you go to Internet and you got all you need. 😂 It's better ofcourse to have a phone than journal.

It's your own journal. You make it for yourself. Try, they really helpful. Psychologists use them for many purposes. For instance - get rid of bad thoughts. You write them down and after some time you lose memory abot this.

Writing is helping in this

You know, I'm writing down with Jesus and I don't need psychologist, because God is my psychologist. (I got what you mean :D)

It's a news. Wow, believing is great.

Especially when you really know in what you believe. Not in a statue, not in animals or something that is on this earth. I believe in God which can do miracles. By the way he is not dead - HE IS ALIVE.

You speak truth. It's pleasure to see that someone spread word about Christ. You motivate me.))

All glory to God! Jesus gave himself for us. Now you can accept Him to you heart! I believe in the power of the LORD!