"Before I got so much obsessed with this sport, I was boldly told in the face that there wasn't any slot for girls. That it was a preserve for the big boys. That really hit me hard, but I was more determined not to give up. So I asked them where it was written that skating was only for boys, and guess their answer,...total silence. Ever since then, I learnt to live my life the best way I know. I got to understand that life truly does begin at the edge of your comfort zone and I'm constantly challenging myself to jump off of that edge. I refuse to allow myself to be held back by the limits of my own mind. I refuse to give up on myself, and life, and all that it offers.
I choose to live and love life, and that means doing slightly insane things. I don't know how much time I will be blessed with on this earth, so I choose to make every moment count. That's the biggest thing- I am in control and I choose how I want to live my life."
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and outdoor
Wow this is nice and lovely. I love this kind of sport. Keep it up always...