"You are not growing if you aren't losing friends"
We've all come across this in some form, most often splashed all over social media dressed as a motivational quote. I also understand that this is one of life's natural occurrences but no one ever speaks about the heartbreak and trauma that involves losing a close friend.
My very first heartbreak (long before I knew anything about girls or had any introduction into romantic relationships) came from my best friend in high school. The details of our break up are still sketchy in my mind because it's not something I enjoy revisiting. The only memory that I can still vividly feel was a piercing wave of distress, which lasted for about a week. I knew nothing about dealing with the break-up of a close friend and the heartbreak that ensues. However, with time I've become better equipped to deal with this loss.
The end of a friendship can be a hard pill to swallow or a sigh of relief. There are instances where some friendships are inherently toxic and the only good that comes from them is ending the friendship. Not everyone you cross paths with in life is good for your development and growth. There are individuals who have bad intentions for you and keeping their company becomes a danger to your wellbeing. I find that living in a big, small city, tends to come with the misfortune of insincere friendships and people. There's a loss of intimacy that I've experienced with living in the city. Friendships that are built on the superficial are put to the test, and rarely ever succeed.
Another factor that contributes towards friendship break ups is jealousy or insecurity. Where one friend might be making major advancements in their life and the other feels stagnant, those situations become major areas of tension in the friendship. In such cases, what both people might fail to realize is that everyone's 'success' timeline differs. There are many different reasons as to why friendships don't last but in essence what causes these splits is that as we grow older, our social and professional networks grow bigger. This means that our interests and values start to differ and what once connected us as friends, ceases to exist anymore.
I find the nature of these splits to be quite violent. Not violent in the physical sense but violent in the emotional sense because it's a cruel split from someone in your life, someone who you love. The naivety of youth tells us that everything lasts forever and the shocking reality of life is that nothing lasts forever.
At the end of the day I simply had to accept that the friendship could not work out and that it was the result of both parties, no one person is ever to blame. Is my life better off without them? The answer is most likely to be yes.
Outgrowing people is essential for personal development. At some point or another we all go through it, dealing with your break up in the best way possible ensures that you will come out stronger and wiser on the other side.
I've lost so many friends along the way, that it seems like i never knew them. I wish I could of stayed close but life takes people in different direction
Interesting thoughts, @shariff. I don't think I've had a friend "breakup", but there have been many instances where a more passive "growing apart" has dissolved friendships. Since the process happens over a long period of time, it's not so painful, and things slowly fade away. I've allowed this to happen when it seems there is a lack of interest/responsiveness on one side or another. It seems to happen to me a lot! I've had a hard time making friends since I was a kid (bullied, introverted), and it is scary for me to reach out. If I reach out a few times, but the other person doesn't take any initiative to call or plan stuff with me (especially those that have "busy" as an excuse), then I feel like they must not really care for me, so I fade into the distance.