in #life8 years ago


Todays lesson focuses on 2 little words "I'LL TRY". I'm not exactly sure when I learned that this simple little response to a request I might make of someone didn't mean what I hoped. Matter of fact, someone many years ago taught me that most of the time when someone answers with "I'LL TRY" they actually mean - NO.

You see most people don't like to say no. So in order to appease - they will just say "I'll try" and when they don't actually come through like you hope - their response will be - I never said Yes for sure - I only said "I'll try" and I did BUT.....

There are two ways to deal with these types of situations. First - when someone says "I'll try" - just say o.k. and accept in your heart - the answer is No and don't expect anything else. It saves a lot of disappointments.

Second - you can be bold and just tell the person - it's o.k. to say No - I'd rather you did and didn't disappoint me. So let's agree to just be direct - just say Yes or No - no problem either way.

I know this is not an easy lesson to learn, but I'm sure if you were to look back you would agree you've had this type of situation happen in your past and it always led to your being discouraged and disheartened with a friend, co-worker, boss, parent, child.... Hope when a similar situation comes up in the future, this lesson will help you in how you deal with the person and the situation.

Your comments will be appreciated. Yes or No - just don't say 'I'LL TRY'.