_"LESSON LEARNED - NEVER COMPLAIN, ALWAYS COMPLIMENT"____ I'm not sure just when I learned this lesson, but I think I was about 8 or 9 years old. _ (That would be about 60 years ago). I remember it well. Picture an 8 year old setting up an ironing board, getting out the iron and a stool to stand on and tackling a basket full of wrinkled clothes. This was back in the day when everything got ironed (no permanent press yet). My mother was sleeping as she had to go to work that night at 10:30 p.m. (the night shift). When she got up and saw what I had done her reaction was "Wow honey, what a great job. Thank you so much, added to a big hug". From that day forward, ironing became my special job and I loved helping out. Her reaction was the same when I dusted, cleaned the kitchen and got supper ready. Always complimenting, never complaining. Even though I'm sure she would have done a better job.
I thought about sharing this lesson with my Steemit friends, because of how maintaining this practice has played out in my adult life.
My husband is a wonderful cook and does ALL our grocery shopping and ALL our cooking. I've been asked the question over the years by so many friends and acquaintances "How did you get so lucky?". My answer is always the same I "NEVER COMPLAIN and ALWAYS COMPLIMENT".
I remember the first time I came home from work and voila supper was all prepared and on the table. This was a new thing. He had never cooked before for me or in his childhood home. He just got out a cookbook and followed the recipes. I remember it well - Salmon Loaf, scalloped potatoes and macaroni and cheese. All I did was eat heartily - tell him how great he was and how wonderful the meal was.
Like my first try at ironing, I'm sure things weren't perfect but __ "Practice makes Perfect"__ and I turned out to be a great ironer and He is a wonderful chef.
All I do is set the table and clean up after - things I enjoy doing.
This is a lesson I believe is good for everyone to learn - mothers, fathers, spouses, and children. Think for a few minutes of times when someone has done something for you and you made a comment that could be taken as criticism. I would wager, they didn't feel like doing it again.
You see - we all love to be appreciated and that's all 'NEVER COMPLAIN , ALWAYS COMPLIMENT" is meant to do - to spread the habit of appreciating.
Hope you'll comment on what you've read today and resteem if you think others will benefit as well. See you again soon. Oh by the way - I appreciate your comments.
Beautiful post. It's always good to make someone feel good about what they've done or created. And you feel better yourself for brightening someone's day. Your post brightened mine and I thank you. Upvoted and following. All the best!
Thank You so much. Welcome aboard. I'll add you as a follower too.
Thanks for this post @sharingandcaring. Giving compliments always pays back in the end. I must admit it is something I forget to do occasionally. Your post is a timely reminder. Thanks again. :-)
You're welcome. Blessings to you.
Wonderful post, thanks for posting it. Will definitely follow you with interest :-)