
A niche is something I've been struggling with since i joined Steemit... I've been doing a lot of random writing, mainly on short stories and poetry.

The best way to find your niche that works is to keep making content and failing until you find what gets the most traffic. It's a long game that has to be played but you'll get there if you stick with it.

I try to think outside the box almost every day. Perfect example: Within the last year, I started a meditation practice. At first I didn't want to even mention to anyone. I thought people would think I was crazy for doing it. I had that common fear of judgement. But as time went on, I began to see the value. I saw how much more calm my mind was throughout the day. I saw how my reactions to situations and events was changing. How much better my day went. Ultimately, how much better I FELT.

I think this community is much the same. Don't live in fear. Don't worry about what others think. Express and create! Put yourself out there on community like this and LIVE!

But as time went on, I began to see the value.

In other words, you stopped giving a fuck about what others thought what YOU needed to do for YOU.

Great mindset to have and awesometastic results from it!

Haha yeah that pretty much sums it up :D

I'm subscribed to many chanels you could describe "outside of the box", but none of them makes 10% of what the mainstream channels do :/

I'm going to make a video addressing this in the future.

Team Original Content 💥🕺🏾💥

wow that museum look so cool and so much fun. I don't think we have this here in the UK! hummm need to research

It's amazing. So much history in one place! It was great to see stuff from all over the world.

Again a great vlog with some useful advices to think about.. And this place is just awesome! I would like to visit this museum as well :D

It's good to visit once. I wouldn't go back unless there's an event.