This is a heartbreaking incident. While racist actions take many different forms, coupling this sort of incident with daily microaggressions we people of color experience means it is what every other racist incident is: awful. Painful. Hateful.
I like your goal of having your daughter grow up with compassion versus hate. Pity requires compassion. It is not her job to educate anyone, and it is not her job to forgive anyone, but it does help to know she is not alone and there are others in this world who live higher.
What I mean to say is: keeping her chin up is a real goal. The high road is important.
We do need to pursue zero tolerance. Have you looked at resources for how to speak up? Or talked with her group about ways they are a team, and how silence is violence?
No judgment here. Just asking questions. I am so sorry this has happened. We all deserve better.
Thank you for your kind and insightful response. There are things all 6 of my African and African American daughters know. 1) Daddy loves you to the end of the universe 2) Daddy will protect you from all harm to the best of his ability forever. 3) Daddy is not afraid to die in prison. 4) You are beautiful and special and chosen... I... Chose... You... no mistake, no random shuffling of genetic material. You were chosen because you make me and my family better. 5) No one has an excuse to hurt or belittle you for any reason, whether the beautiful color of your skin, the kink to your hair, or the gender you were gifted with. Those who make you cry... will be visited with their own tears. I want them to always know that they are safe... not just because of me, but because their brothers cherish them, my family cherishes them, my friends cherish them. Many of these people have had little interaction with people of color before the introduction to my family, and all are on board 100%. But you and your mentor have revealed to me the importance of writing to the white eye... I have taken that deeper to living to the white mind. I want them to live in a world where their exterior is simply the sausage casing for their beauty within. I want them to be intelligent and sexy and successful and fun and loving and kind and generous... all traits of no specific race.... These are qualities of all peoples. I truly look for encouragement, chastisment, and wisdom from people of all backgrounds to help me not raise "white" children. Not even my biologic children should be "white." They should be people. Citizens. Passionate and generous and sacrificial and servant minded and helpful.... I am blessed to have you, @shawnamawna helping me. I definitely need it!
Your intentions for your children are so beautiful. Yes, we should all learn to supercede our casings as well as celebrate them as an indelible aspect of our human gifts.
Loving your children regardless of what society tells them is invaluable. Letting them know they are beautiful and perfect as they are is an irreplaceable love. It is exquisitely important to recognize there are dofferences which will affect our experience, but ultimatel it cones back to the heart. What do we choose to do with our experiences?
Being a proactive voice for change (as you are saying about not fearing jail), is essential and powerful. That begins with not shying around from labeling injustice as injustice in the moment.
You are a powerful love engine, I believe. You are not only working for the generation(s) you are raising, but you are working for yourself and the future world of your children. It’s a tough path, but it only becomes clearer, and you will continue to find tribe members along the way.
So grateful to know you here.