There are rabbit holes that go into this subject floating around in a lot of places. Some of the info is correct and some of it isn't. Depends on which rabbit hole you go down and which turns it takes. :)
Some of the folks over at the Lighthouse Law Club ( have some letters they've sent to the IRS in the past that worked. At least that is what I heard. I guess in the US,you're required to file a 1040 OR a filing statement in lieu of the 1040. They took advantage of that.
I have NO idea what they are charging these days to get in. It's basically a letter putting the screws to the IRS quoting their own rules, but then reminding them they can't even trust their own rules according to their own rules and statements. The letter also indicates that they are WILLING to pay the tax of what the owe as soon as the IRS figures it out, but unfortunately since their rules are so convoluted (over 40k worth of tax code/laws/rules, etc)... the signer of the statement says under good conscience they can't sign the 1040. The fine print says that by signing, you agree to ALL the terms and conditions and understand them all....
Do you or I understand 40k worth of pages of tax law?
Didn't think so. So anyway, what they do is take away the "willful" part of non-payment by expressing they are WILLING but with conditions. They even include a money order for 50$. Once it's cashed, legally, the IRS is basically stating they agree to what is written on the statement.
I dunno. Take it for what's it's worth. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
After I did my own research, I learned I can't deal with the onslaught of paperwork filings and threats they make and them seizing things as a result of it until I learn to literally live with NOTHING -- maybe operating on the gift economy only.
That will be the day...(Mikl looks wistfully up to the clouds.)
But yeah, the way it is set up now (since around 1913 in fact), it's all a big sham, completely illegal and the IRS needs DA BOOT!
I have to say, this is the most coherent explanation of "tax is theft" I've come across so far, thank you.
I do have a couple of questions for you though. The first would be what would you say is the solution to this problem? If all tax is theft, what are you proposing we should do?
Also, after browsing through British legislation and guidance published by HMRC, the definition of income differs here in the UK to what you've stated above, as far as I can tell. Income here is:
money you earn from employment
profits you make if you’re self-employed - including from services you sell through websites or apps
some state benefits
most pensions, including state pensions, company and personal pensions and retirement annuities
rental income (unless you’re a live-in landlord and get less than the rent a room limit)
benefits you get from your job
income from a trust
As I'm sure you're aware, there's a more socialist element to our system, with things like the NHS and a robust benefits and welfare system (although far from perfect).
So, how does this apply to countries outside of the US? What does the UN and similar organisations say with regards to taxation?
I would have laughed at the sarcasm that you used in the post, had the situation not been so real.
They tax an income that is already earned through means that were taxed before hand. Which in turn were taxed previously. Tax till 'nothing' much less 'nothing taxable' is left.
I was looking at the debt-age demographics and it was a crushing realization. Most of the people born are to parents who are in debt. This child will incur some or other form of debt even before he reaches adulthood. As his parents pay of their debts, this child would grow socioeconomically and start incurring more debt. So as his parents debt decreases, his own would increase. The same cycle would follow in the next generation.
Born in debt - raised in debt - die in debt. I think this says it all.
I agree...Great post! If more people would speak up and try to change things though, I think we would be beating a dead horse. Most people don't really understand the process enough to speak up anyway.
Taxation is just a way to rip off the middle class and make the already rich, richer. Also it would have been okay if the taxes we paid were actually used to our benefits
About 20 years ago I sent the IRS a letter telling them to go F... themselves. Didn't work so well. They threatened to sell my kids into slavery. Well not really but you get what I mean. So now I use the best and most aggressive CPA i could find to limit my exposure to our masters. blessings.
Here is the deal, and I know there are very few that agree with me, so I dont mind if you have another opinion. Our nation has engaged in unjust wars for the past 18 years (well actually long before that). I cannot morally support that. I cannot give my money to a corrupt government. However, I don't like the idea of going to prison either. So, lets just say I rebel in my own small way. I use the best CPA to help me legally limit my exposure, and he does not ask questions as to where I come up with figures I give him. I mean come on! Last year Google paid ZERO taxes. They do what I do but on a much larger scale. It's all a game. If you have money for tax attorneys and the best CPA's you pay a much reduced tax, or none at all. Simple as that. If you are in business for yourself you must shop around and find the right CPA, most are just compliant minions of the State. That won't help you. If you are an employee there is basically no way out. You'll pay taxes. Period.
There are rabbit holes that go into this subject floating around in a lot of places. Some of the info is correct and some of it isn't. Depends on which rabbit hole you go down and which turns it takes. :)
Some of the folks over at the Lighthouse Law Club ( have some letters they've sent to the IRS in the past that worked. At least that is what I heard. I guess in the US,you're required to file a 1040 OR a filing statement in lieu of the 1040. They took advantage of that.
I have NO idea what they are charging these days to get in. It's basically a letter putting the screws to the IRS quoting their own rules, but then reminding them they can't even trust their own rules according to their own rules and statements. The letter also indicates that they are WILLING to pay the tax of what the owe as soon as the IRS figures it out, but unfortunately since their rules are so convoluted (over 40k worth of tax code/laws/rules, etc)... the signer of the statement says under good conscience they can't sign the 1040. The fine print says that by signing, you agree to ALL the terms and conditions and understand them all....
Do you or I understand 40k worth of pages of tax law?
Didn't think so. So anyway, what they do is take away the "willful" part of non-payment by expressing they are WILLING but with conditions. They even include a money order for 50$. Once it's cashed, legally, the IRS is basically stating they agree to what is written on the statement.
I dunno. Take it for what's it's worth. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
After I did my own research, I learned I can't deal with the onslaught of paperwork filings and threats they make and them seizing things as a result of it until I learn to literally live with NOTHING -- maybe operating on the gift economy only.
That will be the day...(Mikl looks wistfully up to the clouds.)
But yeah, the way it is set up now (since around 1913 in fact), it's all a big sham, completely illegal and the IRS needs DA BOOT!
I have to say, this is the most coherent explanation of "tax is theft" I've come across so far, thank you.
I do have a couple of questions for you though. The first would be what would you say is the solution to this problem? If all tax is theft, what are you proposing we should do?
Also, after browsing through British legislation and guidance published by HMRC, the definition of income differs here in the UK to what you've stated above, as far as I can tell. Income here is:
As I'm sure you're aware, there's a more socialist element to our system, with things like the NHS and a robust benefits and welfare system (although far from perfect).
So, how does this apply to countries outside of the US? What does the UN and similar organisations say with regards to taxation?
Again, a great write up!
The problem is the idea that the United States is a free country, it isn't, you also are a totalitarian country ruled by an elite.
I would have laughed at the sarcasm that you used in the post, had the situation not been so real.
They tax an income that is already earned through means that were taxed before hand. Which in turn were taxed previously. Tax till 'nothing' much less 'nothing taxable' is left.
I was looking at the debt-age demographics and it was a crushing realization. Most of the people born are to parents who are in debt. This child will incur some or other form of debt even before he reaches adulthood. As his parents pay of their debts, this child would grow socioeconomically and start incurring more debt. So as his parents debt decreases, his own would increase. The same cycle would follow in the next generation.
Born in debt - raised in debt - die in debt. I think this says it all.
I agree...Great post! If more people would speak up and try to change things though, I think we would be beating a dead horse. Most people don't really understand the process enough to speak up anyway.
In Canada we are heavily taxed! It was a wartime measure that never went away. Beer is way too expensive now!
Taxation is just a way to rip off the middle class and make the already rich, richer. Also it would have been okay if the taxes we paid were actually used to our benefits
Well, you forgot the part where they create a corporate entity from your Berth Certificate. And it is this corporate entity that owes taxes.
But, this entire thing is a sham.
From the constitution up.
I've looked into that a little bit before. Wild stuff. I'll probably write something about it after doing some research. 👌🏼
About 20 years ago I sent the IRS a letter telling them to go F... themselves. Didn't work so well. They threatened to sell my kids into slavery. Well not really but you get what I mean. So now I use the best and most aggressive CPA i could find to limit my exposure to our masters. blessings.
Can you detail a bit more please? I'm interested in limiting my exposure as well. Cheerrs
Here is the deal, and I know there are very few that agree with me, so I dont mind if you have another opinion. Our nation has engaged in unjust wars for the past 18 years (well actually long before that). I cannot morally support that. I cannot give my money to a corrupt government. However, I don't like the idea of going to prison either. So, lets just say I rebel in my own small way. I use the best CPA to help me legally limit my exposure, and he does not ask questions as to where I come up with figures I give him. I mean come on! Last year Google paid ZERO taxes. They do what I do but on a much larger scale. It's all a game. If you have money for tax attorneys and the best CPA's you pay a much reduced tax, or none at all. Simple as that. If you are in business for yourself you must shop around and find the right CPA, most are just compliant minions of the State. That won't help you. If you are an employee there is basically no way out. You'll pay taxes. Period.