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RE: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

in #life8 years ago

1.Lost my job
2.My laptop got literally fried
3.I need to go to a doctor (f*** PCOS)
4.I can't lose weight despite dieting for months (look at number 3)
5.I have a narcissistic mom
6.Dad is enabling her
7.My sister is the golden child
8.My sister is actually a loving, 12 years old sweetie who I love to death
9.I have a boyfriend who loves me despite my flaws, and frankly, Darcy and his Pemberly are nothing compared to my boyfriend's personality
10.I learned to detach myself from the things I cannot control and count my blessings, they might be only two in your eyes, but for me, THEY MEAN THE WORLD

P.S.I want to use this comment to say happy birthday to my boyfriend who showed me how the real pursuit of happiness looks like.


Lol! It's good to know

Never let anything steal your happiness. It is the only that actually really matters.
Count your blessings, even at rock bottom; you're still alive