What is happiness (Relatively stable level of happines )

in #life8 years ago

No happiness is arguably the most sought-after emotion and feeling in general to almost all humans when we're sad we want to be happy and when we are happy we want to stay happy.

We see happiness as something that's fleeting and rightly so because our emotions are fleeting things they flow and they change but there's an underlying psychology to happiness itself that most of us never seen to pay any attention to however if we focus on it correctly it is something that can lead to change our lives and this is the understanding of something known as the hedonic treadmill now the major influence of happiness on a psychological level is something known.

As relative happiness and this is in each moment whether we are aware of it or not we have a certain mental and physical well-being that is always there underlying everything we do a great example is right now in this moment how do you feel now that right there is most likely unless something else may have influenced very recently your
underlying emotional state of being.

Because what i just did was make you aware of how you kind of felt naturally outside of this post just in general - is that state of being that you're now noticing one of a little bit of sadness maybe a lack of enthusiasm or are you in a good mood and just happy overall this kind of answer says a lot about our natural state of being and what makes this so prevalent and so important is how it relates to us and our placement on what's known as a hedonic treadmill in other words think of life as a treadmill it is always moving always.progressing forwards at a steady constant flow much like the way we are always progressing in our daily life but this treadmill has functions and because of that it can either speed up or it can slow down or can just stay at the pace that now which works fine and because of this we as humans men like a treadmill and our emotional states we have the ability to go down.

Which is to fall into sadness into despair into lack of enthusiasm in all forms this includes disappointment depression and so forth for our treadmill can speed up and we can become in line we can become aware we can become awakened beings we can be happy in joyous and I'm going optimistic in all facets.

But where we set our walking pace what the constant flow is of our treadmill whether it be closer to sadness or closer to happiness is the key factor in the psychology of happiness and changing our lives because it makes us realize where we are now and whether or not we need that to change this is what's known

As a set . and has a lot to do with positive psychology in the last 30 years so the question essentially becomes how can we raise up our set point so that we are naturally in every moment whether we are we're not happier than we normally have been currently if we're not that happy or four already there how do we keep it going because this in essence will lead us to realize that are waking state through practice can become a blissful state and for many people myself included already is after all across all cultures happinessreally is the key to life.

I mean what is a human experience without the ability to live a happy life it's usually less than what we want to be because if we can make each moment happiness beats them full of joy and an underlying excitement for what is all going on it gives us it opens up more doorways than we ever thought possible and through many philosophies much like Hinduism Jainism and Buddhism liberate just from suffering all together with your top it's all beginning to very soon.

So how do we do this well according to classical theory and lots of psychological studies that have been done recently tests are proving that what we considered to make us happy in the basic communal societal ways really don't anymore because in the sadhana quay the things we've taught make us happy or simply allusions to the true nature of happiness things such as looking good i mean sure it helps some people makes them feel better but a lot of people don't even know they look good having millions of dollars have your kids having a Lamborghini having the three-story house with a white picket Fence that's happiness right well not really I mean it is portrayed as happiness in.

American sitcoms on TV in the news but this isn't changing the fact that so many Americans and so many people around the world are dealing with this internal state of depression even though they have these things they create a facade of happiness that is only temporary these things put you up but you will eventually come back down to a steady level in the same sense the sorrows in the sadness we have that take us under eventually we'll come back up from that too it on travel is the realization that you will have highs you can be amazing have a good job be good looking but you can also have lowes be insecure lose things you care about but eventually you return to equilibrium and that's what we need to change that's what we need to improve upon beauty fades cars break we get old we age people around us die these are all things we have to realize because in the end the only thing we will ever truly have from our birth until our death is our own company is the way your mind functions in the way you treat yourself in every moment the core of who we are sits on a foundation of philosophical and moral principles even if we don't know they do and this is because most people never stop to question why they do what they do or why they feel what they feel in each moment just in a natural state we don't want to question ourselves it's just an odd thing to do and because of this we don't ask the main question how can we raise our natural state of being to happiness and answer really comes down to a philosophical precept a starting point that can go in a million directions which I won't even attempt to cover because it would take hours all I can do for you is let you know that if you are trying to make the waking state of everyday life happy the only thing that can make that happen now is your awareness being conscious being mindful asking yourself when you feel about why do i feel bad and then asking yourself in your natural waking.

States moment may be raising my vibrationa frequency and mental output on the world just a little bit and what I found with this is that you need to not only question the moral foundations of your life the religions the Society's the culture you are part of but break these all down and then do your own research to discover what philosophy really motivates you and really synchronizes with your core values at heart growing up I was raised religion and never filled with me and I never felt in the zone or in the right place and I always felt a little sad but as soon as I found butters philosophies the understanding of the four noble truths to a full path with meditating with pranayama with yoga with mindfulness in each moment my daily state of natural happiness has continuously been rising for the past couple of years and this is due to be discovering a philosophy and lifestyle.

Veganism included activism and included that fits me best that really shows me that there is a place and time for my existence and my mental state of awareness and it becomes a devotional practice not to a god or to a central head figure if you don't want to be but even just to the universe if you needed to be These are all things that you will have to discover yourself for which philosophies make sense to me which one's actually are things I can think about and use make progress in each moment these are the sort of things then Foundation's the pillars the principles
upon which your daily life can really restart will naturally over time raise your state of being on the sadhana treadmill to a higher and higher level that you can see that naturally so all I can say really is do your research research what you're eating maybe change your diet research how your morning routine goes maybe wake up and do yoga maybe wake up and meditate may wake up and do breathing exercises this neoplastic effect will happen in the brain and you will start to change your natural state of being and it will raise and will keep raising hopefully its kind of hope you guys understand why right now most of us probably are all some sort of hedonic treadmill that keeps us up and down and our natural state of being might not be as high as we want it to be but through change through grow through improvisation through figuring out what fits our lifestyle best philosophically and morally we can become better than we ever have before.

Thank you so much for watching this post


One small suggestion; try and make smaller sentences in the future, your average sentence is waay to big :)

Anyway, good post!