Why some people are successful and others not?

in #life9 years ago

I will beginning by talking about a book that enjoyed reading that is Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.Amazing book and my favorite by malcolm Gladwell.

i was thinking of wondering why I like this book so much and I think it's because it reinforces the thought whenever you have a thought on your own and then you read it somewhere I think you you like the book more and that is why do we as a society study average so much?

Because every scientific report you'll see will be like the average person sleeps eight hours a day average person you know who has a high-paying job went to college as many years.

But forget average.

What you want to do is study the outliers that's why the books called outliers.

What do exceptional people do Differently?

You study average you end up with average. So in the book he studies you know top rags-to-riches stories lawyers these studies of guy who has the highest IQ in the world but didn't get far are probably as far as he should have didn't reach his potential. And he uncovers all kinds of amazing i don't know if it's pure science the books of its obviously anecdotal but for example luck plays a big role but not look like you think.

Luck about things like being born to a wealthier family does help but there's other factors that can mitigate against being born let's say you were born in poverty i was born a single mom and so the odds is some what are against you and he examines the fine line between what we call luck like being born into a rich family Bill Gates kids or something and then having opportunistic look that's what i call it.

So for example if you're born healthy that's lucky. But if you don't take advantage of the opportunity it's all for nothing.

I think some people think it's great black and white lake you're born unlucky so you have no chance or you're born lucky and therefore things will automatically come to you.

It's not really that way.

Arnold schwarzenegger- body you know, became the most legendary bodybuilder of all time he had the physique for it. But he had to grab the opportunity. And he never worked out he would have just been probably a kind of stocky dude.

Albert einstein had he not put in the work he had a math physics mentor growing up.

Bill Gates spent ten twenty thousand hours as a teenager program.

Sure he had a school that was wealthy enough and my family was wealthy enough to give him that opportunity to have a computer back in the sixties and seventies almost didn't but a lot of kids had that and he took that opportunistic luck and ran with it and sat down and literally program for sometimes 20 hours a week end he said he would do.

So we there's a lot more to this book i'm not gonna give a full summary just because it's a good book you should read on your own but that would take away for me is no matter who you are there's some luck to your life and you gotta grab that opportunity.

It might be you know you're lucky to be born in a country that's three or you might be born in a horrible place where the odds are all against you but there might be one thing maybe you're good at soccer maybe you're good at right maybe you're good at math maybe you're good socially with people.

And the good news about life you want to grab one opportunity and magnify it and get it large enough that it will make up for all those shortcomings so for me like I said you look at my life statistically the average i haven't gone to college so the average person who hasn't gone to college makes less than the average person. I mean average person has gone to college mates more than the person like me that dropped out but I don't care about average.

I found outliers Bill Gates Einstein dropped out of high school for a little while Richard Branson all these and you know there's a long line of people that have done the same thing Paul Allen.

And I said let me magnify something i'm lucky in. And i'm fairly social person so most of my businesses have always been social in nature and I just magnified that one area forgot about the rest that I didn't have quite as much luck in
and we live in a time where that's all you need one big break so read the book outliers.

Is really a good book. One of the shorter malcolm gladwell ones.