"Sometimes the absolute best writing is not that we do for others, but for ourselves."
Haha, I agree with this. It's always good to take breaks sometimes and re-evaluate or simply recharge. I'm in a similar boat where I want to be posting everyday (still a struggle for even once a day!) but I want to make sure that whatever it is I post, is something that I enjoy, and could be useful to others.
All of that's subjective though. What may seem like paramount knowledge to me could be received entirely different than what I intended, and I think that's okay. In my own thinking, being a service to others is excellent as long as you service yourself first. -And while I may not be on the same level as your grind, I am also posting to make money. BUT! It is only one of the reasons, it's never the only one.
I was thinking about posting right now, but after reading your post Imma take a break today!
You're a great teacher, but rest is good too. <3 :D