How do you prioritize your life? What is the importance of this?

in #life7 years ago


Home Community Community Personalization How do you prioritize your life? What is the importance of this? We will learn a set of important lessons in how to prioritize the first priority in our lives. The skill of putting the top priorities at the top of the list is critical to success and effectiveness in life, which we will learn during the article. By Mohamed El Sayed - June 27, 201870 How can we prioritize our lives despite the accumulation of details and responsibilities? When we meet on a daily basis with the details, roles and tasks we carry out in life, we must be aware of and know in the ideal way we go about these tasks and roles, so that we can strike a balance between those roles and at the same time achieve our joy and happiness and our inner satisfaction and peace. This is done by accomplishing the important things that take precedence first and anything else that can be accomplished later. It is a skill to prioritize and focus on. And so will we learn to differentiate between important things and urgent things? Which of them has priority? How can future planning help you make wise decisions away from worries, tensions and worries about the future? Why fail to achieve your goals or when you decide to learn a new language but fail? That is what we will learn during our tour with this article. The importance of prioritizing the task first, not the achievement of all things Many people mistakenly and misguidedly believe that in order for them to succeed in managing their time effectively in life, they must accomplish and achieve many things and goals as soon as possible, as if It was a list of requirements or tasks that they had to accomplish one by one. In fact, this belief is inaccurate, with some writings promoting it. Imagine that you were born with that supernatural queen, which allows you to accomplish as many things as possible as quickly as possible, doubly than your peers. Will this lead you to a happy life with meaning that does not make you feel absurd? - Advertisements - We must learn to look at life through more than one perspective and not just one perspective or ability and the ability to trade between tasks and prioritize according to their importance. It is not enough to look at it only through the direction that we believe is the commitment to the tasks, goals and plans that you place in your list to achieve, as if life is an hour whose movements move in a monotonous, tedious and spontaneous way. But there is the side and the other direction which guides and guides your life as if it were a pointer or compass of life toward things that positively affect your happiness; it is your beliefs, interests, values ​​and principles. Personal and family life is always the single most important thing about working life. However, you may find yourself giving the whole importance and focus to more work just because you feel you are over the age of marriage and want to get the highest salary so you can get in touch. Focusing on more work and effort has never been one of your first concerns, but you have ignored it. Your most important concern at some point in your life may be to gain as much experience, knowledge and skills as possible, but you may still give the issue of getting the highest salary available. Thus ignoring your first goals. What you should be constantly aware of is prioritizing your priorities, interests and goals that first come before other things, because if you do not, you will make the wrong decisions that will ruin your life and feel miserable and worthless. So do not give great importance to the speed at the expense of the quality of achievement and the real desire for it. Important Prioritization and Exclusion of Urgent and Urgent Obstacles Most people believe that their achievement of things should give priority to urgent and immediate things and therefore appear to be the important things they have to accomplish. But the truth is that there is a big difference between what is urgent or urgent, and what is important, but most people confuse the two, and the choice is always for the realization of the urgent things that they believe are immediate and should not wait and therefore fails to prioritize important people in his life. This sense of salt is important at the expense of the important, when people are under pressure to overwork and therefore believe that this work is necessary and immediate and important, so they try to show tension rather than appear in a way that does not care. There is also a physiological reason. When you give priority and attention to urgent and immediate things, adrenaline is pushed, giving you a feeling of energy and activity. In the end, we will discover that not prioritizing and prioritizing will allow urgent things to take a lot of time to accomplish, so we have little time left for the important things that are the real cause of our happiness. When we always have to cancel important family gatherings for us or meet friends, it is a source of joy and happiness in our lives, to calculate urgent dates and immediate work. This is a constant source of disappointments and distrust between family members and friends, leading to constant misery in life. So we must learn to achieve the important things to achieve things urgent and immediate, even if not always and at all times, at least make it the rule and not the exception.