Well hello Hive.kind.
Thought this account was gone for ever more.
So I have this Nikon DSLR d5300 and it seems to love ruining my sd cards.
And on said SD cards were my keys for my various accounts.
BUT I just managed to persuade 1 of the sd cards to work via a USB card reader and voila, back in.
Been hard at it of late, restoring motorbikes, like the rd 350lc above, YZ below.
Anywho, hope I find you all fit and well if any of my old friends are still on here? If so shout up below.
Great to be back, not about the tokens is it, more about the people.
Have a superb weekend..........
Good to see you back//
Cheers buddy. :-)
Thanks for the update on frot miss that sob, He sure made me think out of the box //
I sent Ian an email, no reply as yet.
tell him manorvillemike said hello, if you connect //
i used to have a Yamaha TZ200. Got it free with an RV!
Painted it up Peace & Love Hippy style.
Got stolen one night from outside the house!
i love that bike. Maybe one day i'll get another.
2t are fun, shame it got stolen, hard to buy a good 2t in some countries, silly regulations.
Well fan my brow if it isn't yourself! Good to see you back...again!
Cheers old friend, honestly thought this account was lost forever, how you doing?
Yeah, I thought you were lost forever...gone the way of the sift/froth. But I shudda known better:)
All good here in sunny Ireland, keepin' busy preppin' for The Great leap Forward.
Sift/frot is now prolific on fb, I can drag Ian back here, he may kick n scream, but the Zealander vwill comply, bugger me, not literally, I turned into Klaus anal slob of WEF fame for a minute, now where is my costume at for ruler of zeeeee galaxy mworahahahah. :-)
Facebook? Who'd've thought! I've never been on any social media other than this.
Yep he shocked me too with that.
Sent him an email.
Who did that exhaust pipe?
My buddy at Ohaz performance exhausts.
That thing is pretty, for sure.
Hooligan bike after 6500 rpm, it just flies, 1 wheel, 2 wheel, 125mph and done.
There are 2 of them, 2 cylinder bike, zeeltronic cdi programmable via a hand held programmer. I can make it as mental as I so wish :-)
First bike I ever rode was a YZ. Almost killed myself at 12.
54bhp of pure fun, not for learners though.
I don't guess I've seen a heat shield that looked like that, that your buddy, too?
No, the heat shield I bought off aliexpress cheap bud.
I guess it's been too long since I kept up on things.
where you at and what you doing in life?
I'm in texas, today.
Life is still on hold.
Welcome Back!
Sometimes luck is all we have.
Cheers, true that.
Really awesome that you found the keys on a random SD card!
Cheers buddy.
G'day mate, glade to see you back again. I get on here now and then to see what's going on.
Hey buddy, was wandering where you are at, great to sort of see you again.
Yeah mate still up and kicking along, mostly travelling around Australia and doing a little work now and then for a bit extra of that fake currency stuff😅
Nice 1 buddy, got to do what you gotta do.