Recently I asked my body to show me what to heal. A few days later, I began the week of provocation and fighter with tears. It happened out of nowhere and spontaneous. I had a thought about my late dad and a realisation that how deep I was conditioned by him. That realisation alone made me weep.
To write this will open up pieces of me to the world. I believe it’s time to bring it out to the Light. I seldom think of him but yesterday, his memory felt so alive. I knew it’s time to heal our Souls. Therefore, I would appreciate if you read this with compassion and feel no pity whatsoever towards our relationship. Remember that all of us are the product of conditioning and every journey is the sacred ones. So here we go.
I rarely speak about him. I don’t think of him as much as I think of my late mother. But yesterday, I saw a pattern. With him, I learned to fight; fight to be me, fight to get what I want, fight for love. All kind of fights. With him, I have always wondered why I don’t feel so much love from him.