After exams every year we used to go to our grandparents house for one month. Basically we would wait for eleven months for that one month. Meeting all the cousins, getting pampered by grandparents, why one wouldn’t enjoy!Thank you @geetharao for making me revisit my childhood through this contest.
My maternal grandparents used to live in Kanpur, a big city in the state of Uttar Pradesh in north India.
There are lots of things associated with my grandma’s house. But I can’t forget the competition we all cousins used to have. That was of eating mangoes. Who can eat maximum number of mangoes? The winner was decided by counting seeds. Whether you have finished it or not that didn’t matter. 😂😂
Another attraction was to go to a temple in the evening ( there is a huge beautiful temple of Krishna-Radha ). We would not sleep in the afternoon because we all cousins wanted to play but our grandma would bribe that if we sleep in the afternoon, we will be taken to that temple and will get ice cream, an orange lolly.
Now I look back and I wonder there was nothing fancy about those trips but yet they hold such a special place in my life. Eating orange lolly is no fun now. Even after having tasted international brands, the taste of that ice cream still lingers in my mouth.
I am grateful that my grandparents have given me such beautiful and fun memories which have made my childhood so special. They are no more and unfortunately I don’t have their photos with me but I hope through my writing I was able to draw their picture and my childhood.
Oops! I exceeded the word limit. 🤪
Thank you so much @shilpavarma..., for sharing your memories....