Happy π-Day!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Dear friends and followers,

just a quick post to wish you all a happy Pi-day.

Pi Day is observed on March 14 (3/14 in the month/day date format) since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π.


Happy Birthday!

But it's not only Pi-day, but also the birthday of Albert Einstein and...


...my youngest daughter, who turns 7 today :-)



Sadly this day also happens to be the day of Stephen Hawking's death.

Black & White photo of Hawking at NASA (CC0)

Hopefully he will get a drink now at The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”

― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

Have an irrational day everybody!



I will raise my glass to celebrate/mourn all of the above, as appropriate to each :-)

Cheers :-)

Alles Liebe und Gute, Tolle und Wundervolle nachträglich von uns hier oben auf dem Berge - wir haben euch nicht vergessen - sind nur in den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten etwas "überwältigt" vom Alltag :-) Fühlt euch alle ganz herzlich von uns gegrüßt und bis hoffentlich ganz bald!!!

Danke sehr! Ich werd‘s ausrichten :-) Schön von dir zu hören. Habe mich schon etwas gewundert, weil ich länger nichts von euch gehört habe, aber das mit dem Alltagsstress kann ich super-gut nachempfinden. Liebe Grüße und bis bald!

Dann die herzlichsten Glückwünsche für deine jüngste und happy PI Day....

Danke dir :-) Werde ich ausrichten. Happy Pi-Day!

herrlich, das foto mit deiner tochter brachte mich gut zum schmunzeln!
ich wünsche alles gute zum geburtstag - insbesondere deiner kleinen. lg

Vielen Dank, das freut mich! Ich werde es ausrichten :-)

whole calculation is solved with pi, lot scientist and mathmatecian work behind the accurate value of pi. its a moroun and sad news for departute of S. Hawking.

This post has everything Douglas Adams, Stephen Hawking, pie.

And now it also has a @viraldrome comment ;-)

we lost hawking today but his spirit will never die ;)

You're right. As long as people care about his ideas, his "spirit" will live on.

How to celebrate pie day in style :D

You gave me a perfect message, my friend. I also love photo arrangements!
it's really fun. I wish happy pi days

Thanks, happy Pi-day!

We lost a scientist. And the pictures are very fun

Yes, birth and death are close together...

Good is pots,i like it

Maybe he rather smokes pot? Who knows...

yes friends can be possible, if there is time please visit my blog there may be you like

I don't think that there is time. It's just an illusion.

yes friends, please help from you guys

You should definitely try to improve your English and then say something more meanigful than just: "Good post, visit my blog!"

yes sir, i am sorry for my comments not good

HAPPY -Pi day......your writing is very interesting..........thanks for sharing blog......

You're welcome!

This is absolutely amazing

Rip ...We lost a great scientist hawking on the day of einstein birthday ...And wish u happy birthday to your daughter ...god bless her ...

Happy birthday to your youngest daughter i hope i am not late

lots of thing happened in a single day damn thanks for sharing

happy belated birthday happy pie day too ;)