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RE: I love you but I don’t have energy for bullshit ❤️

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Love the honesty. Thanks for tagging me. Read this twice and picked up a few lines I wish to comment on. Also, as we are being brutally honest, I would like to shoot it straight:

I’ve given so much and so little of it has been received.

Give without expecting then. That's the trick. Most will disappoint you. Drop validation. Embrace hardcore thick heart.

I’m ok if it doesn’t work but I gotta meet the world where it’s at without hiding that I see some stuff it doesn’t.

You design your own world. You can treat this world as your playground. Or a sinking ship with you trying to survive.

Million dollar deals are happening right now in Silicon Valley. At the same time, someone else is crying in the corner of the room.

Same world. Different stories.

I might compromise my values a little bit

Luckily, this world is a playground with unwritten rules.

I am simply using others response as a gauge for how I am doing.

Validation from others will halt your own growth. Walk like no one can understand you. Like no one is watching you. Like no one actually cares about you.

If anything I have learned in life, we get to design our stories. Hope and wish you are enjoying designing yours. Cheers!


It's hard to put into words. On one hand I've decided to live exactly how you've described starting now. On the other hand, I've been living like that all along and haven't seen any major results. You can live without thinking about how people receive it, but at the end of the day, that million dollar deal depends on other people. I don't care how they feel, I want that million dollar deal because it's there and why not.

The pattern I noticed is that sticking to my morals has often stopped me from doing what I felt like doing at the moment and receiving the reward I know I deserve, so perhaps that is the missing link for me.

It doesn't mean I will throw my morals out completely, but perhaps nothing deserves to be followed dogmatically. I want a bedroom that has windows and doesn't stink. If being a bit of a dick will get me to enough abundance to shift my thinking to abundance mentality, then whatever! Am I warped? Is this wrong? Do I care?

On the other hand, I've been living like that all along and haven't seen any major results.

Not sure what the results look like. More often than that, the fantasy of future is far more fascinating than the current reality. Maybe you aimed high and shot low. I don't know. Ultimately, it is the decision in your mind to shift your own focus.

Again, if you are NOT comfortable, make change. If you can't make change, surrender.

More importantly, don't take my word for it — try all kinds of experiences. Eventually life shows that none of them matters.

It doesn't mean I will throw my morals out completely, but perhaps nothing deserves to be followed dogmatically

Drop the perhaps. That's the truth.

If being a bit of a dick will get me to enough abundance to shift my thinking to abundance mentality

Luckily, you are the decision maker. There is a book I read years ago and even recommended others. It was on how NOT to be nice anymore. I don't remember much of the book but one of my friend perceived it as "I should be an asshole." This perception only ruined his future days.

Everything has to do with our own perception. You see me as someone attacking you. Or simply someone pointing you the truth. The choice is always yours.

Nah man, I appreciate your comments. I am just looking to experiment a bit with how I interact with the world, because a lot of what made sense doesn't seem to be working anymore. I think the core of it is that I'm not being true to what flows out of me, and that there is some frustration that wants to be released but hasn't been able to because of my insistence of "being a good role model" and fitting into some idea of how someone "who gets it" is supposed to act. I love what you said. I don't know if it's where I'm at right now, but I'll be back soon. Just need to try some stuff out first.