Would you rather spend time watching a Horror movie or Romantic Comedy?

in #life6 years ago

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Horror. I find romantic comedy to be boring regardless of what happens, at least a horror movie is somewhat entertaining even if I can sometimes predict them. I just don't find anything entertaining about the concept of spending a few hours watching people fall in love or deal with love in a very often unrealistic (and sometimes even toxic) manner that the majority of the populace will never experience. Some of them even go so far as to normalize dangerous and toxic behaviors and disguise it as 'romance' which is really not helpful to ending those in real relationships.

I'm also really picky about my horror, though. If it's just 'horror' in the way the Saw movies are considered horror (aka all blood, guts and trying to shock people with such) then I don't call that horror and hate it. If it's just people terrorizing other people and that getting called 'horror' I don't like that either. If the movie makes me think there's something paranormal/otherworldly going on and it turns out to be other humans or all in someone's head then that's dumb. 

Give me movies like The Conjuring, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, Mama, The Forest and The Possession. Give me some supernatural entity that is the stuff of nightmares haunting people. Otherwise I don't consider it horror and I wouldn't touch it the same way I wouldn't touch a romcom.


So uhm... been single for awhile? This is probably going to make you cough but one of my favorite movies of all time is Sweet Home Alabama.

But so is Tombstone and Heat. 👍🏿

Actually recently I had a boyfriend and he shared the same views as I do and was actually happy to find a woman who thought romcom movies were as awful as he thought they were instead of one who might try to make him go to such movies. He also shared the same view of horror movies.